Editorial Page

Editorial: Join us Sept. 10

By Toni Milbourne, The Journal As most are aware, The Journal relocated earlier this summer from our long-serving location on W. King Street to Old Courthouse Square. As with any move of such magnitude, it takes a bit of time to get settled and organized, but we believe we have[Read More…]

Editorial: School’s in session, slow down

Tyler Star News SISTERSVILLE, W.Va. — What’s the most dangerous part of the school day? It’s when children board or get off of the school bus, according to transportation experts. If drivers illegally pass a stopped bus that has its flashing lights on and stop arm out they risk hitting[Read More…]

Editorial: Medicare needs to offer explanation

The Journal At the time when Congress launched the Medicare Advantage program concept several decades ago, the theory in place was insurers would make Medicare more efficient, have an incentive to keep patients healthier and probably save money for the government in the process. Those at the forefront of promoting[Read More…]

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