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Media Advisory: Survey finds overwhelming public support for Health Care End of Year Package

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CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Protect Our Care has issued the following media advisory:

A new Public Policy Polling survey finds overwhelming public support for a series of reforms that will improve the health of millions of children, pregnant women, and moms, particularly people of color and rural Americans. These life-saving reforms are under consideration as part of must-pass legislation to fund the government before Congress adjourns for the year. As Congress finishes its work, 70% of people think health care should be either the most important or a very important issue for Congress.

By margins ranging from 21 to 49 points, those surveyed demonstrated overwhelming support for improving coverage for millions of Americans. By a 49-point margin those surveyed support improving children’s health care under CHIP and Medicaid; by a 41-point margin people support extending coverage under Medicaid for new moms for 12 months after giving birth; by a 36-point margin those surveyed support helping new mothers by investing resources in reducing inequalities in health care and by a 21-point margin people support financing to protect millions of Americans from losing converge when the public health emergency for COVID-19 ends.

  • By a 49-point margin (66-17), voters support improving children’s health by guaranteeing that kids remain eligible for 12 months on Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program once they become eligible, and permanently funding the Children’s Health Insurance Program so kids can’t be kicked off health care arbitrarily. Supporters include 68% of independents, 83% of Black voters, and 53% of Hispanic or Latino voters.
  • By a 41-point margin (63-22), voters support protecting health care for moms by guaranteeing 12 months of continued Medicaid coverage after giving birth. Those in support include 64% of independents and 78% of Black voters.
  • By a 36-point margin (59-23), voters support reducing preventable pregnancy-related deaths by passing the “Momnibus Act” to strengthen health care for new mothers by providing funding to address health inequities among mothers. Just 23% are opposed, and those in support include 55% of independents and 72% of Black voters.
  • By a 21-point margin (51-30), voters support providing Medicaid financing to states to protect millions from becoming uninsured when the public health insurance emergency for COVID-19 ends. Supporters include a majority of Black voters (71%) and a plurality of independents (45-29) and Hispanic or Latino voters (38-20).

When it comes to health care, voters trust Democrats more than Republicans by a 9-point margin (48-39). And, by a two-to-one margin (46-22), people have a favorable opinion of Medicaid.

Public Policy Polling surveyed 639 national voters from December 7-8, 2022 on behalf of Protect Our Care. The margin of error is +/- 3.8%. 50% of interviews for the survey were conducted by telephone and 50% by text message.

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