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Endorsement: Morrisey defends Mountain State

From The Inter-Mountain:

We West Virginians are no strangers to the mud-slinging brand of politics. That is no reason for us to be suckers for a candidate whose campaign is hip-deep in the slimy strategy.

For years, the Mountain State endured an attorney general, Darrell McGraw, who did little for us. His attention seemed focused on using our money to pay for re-election trinkets, and enriching a few lawyers who contributed to his campaigns.

Then, four years ago, we elected Patrick Morrisey as attorney general. Here is his record:

• Instead of siphoning off lawsuit settlements to bolster his re-election campaign, Morrisey has returned money to the state treasury.

• No state official has been more effective in the struggle against drug abuse. Morrisey’s office has gone after drug companies for their misbehavior. It has devised constructive tactics such as his “best practices” plan to lessen abuse of painkiller drugs.

• In all likelihood, no state official in the country has been more active and successful in fighting back against President Barack Obama’s war against coal. Morrisey’s office played a key role in convincing the Supreme Court to order the Environmental Protection Agency to suspend enforcement of its Clean Power Plan.

• In contrast to talking about consumer protection at election time, Morrisey has made it a priority. His office’s actions have forced a variety of companies to stop illegally victimizing consumers — and to pay for past misdeeds.

Yet if you have been exposed to the mudslinging campaign being waged by Morrisey’s opponent, Doug Reynolds, you would not know any of that. You would think Morrisey was in league with unethical drug companies, was thumbing his nose at coal miners and was up to his neck in corruption.

Reynolds and his supporters are spending millions of dollars to bombard voters with that message.

It just isn’t true.

This is the very worst kind of politics. It is throwing money at a campaign intended to make voters believe that if something is repeated over and over again, it must be true — even if the record demonstrates it is not.

The Inter-Mountain endorses Patrick Morrisey, based on his solid record of defending West Virginians. We have seen too many elections in our state bought by big money to allow it to happen again.

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