An editorial from The Exponent Telegram
CLARKSBURG, W.Va. — West Virginia voters are faced with replacing long-time auditor Glen Gainer, who retired earlier this year after nearly 24 years in office.
Gainer served admirably, but like many facets in government, there are issues in the auditor’s office that warrant a new set of eyes with a keen focus on detail.
Democrat Mary Ann Claytor, Libertarian Brenton Ricketts and Republican John “J.B.” McCuskey are vying for the chance to replace Gainer.
In an article that appears in Tuesday’s edition, McCuskey reveals that there are “several hundred municipalities that are behind on their audits.
“The next auditor needs to work with the private accounting firms, as well as those people who work within the office already to eliminate the backlog and get everyone caught up,” he said.
McCuskey also wants to finish the state’s much-maligned computer system upgrade and hold those involved accountable in making it work. And he wants to increase transparency.
“I think it’s going to be incumbent on the new auditor to finalize this system, because the West Virginia taxpayers have spent a ton of money on this thing, and it’s time for it to start working,” McCuskey said.
State taxpayers deserve to have a fully integrated computer system that operates as it should to safeguard state government spending. Sadly, the OASIS system hasn’t lived up to its billing in terms of expectations and money spent.
Likewise, the auditing of state, county and city governments, school boards and various other government entities must be diligently performed and accounted for.
McCuskey’s training and legislative background, as well as his legal expertise, will give him the perspective needed to make changes to improve the auditor’s office and subsequently, all levels of government’s accountability to the taxpaying public.
The Exponent Telegram Editorial Board strongly encourages voters to support McCuskey’s efforts with their support during early voting or on Nov. 8.