Chuck McGill, right, is the West Virginia Sportswriter of the Year for the second time and winner of the national media award for tennis.
SALISBURY, N.C. — West Virginia Sportswriter of the Year Chuck McGill is only 33, but make it an old-school 33.
“I’ll take that,” said the upbeat McGill, one of the media marvels who’s in town for the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association awards banquet.
Slice McGill open, and he’ll probably bleed black-and-white newsprint.
As the sports editor of the Charleston Daily Mail, he’s handled the transition to the electronic age of newspapers without kicking and screaming. He produced videos and chats when he was a beat writer, and he still blogs and tweets, communication verbs that have entered the English language only recently.
Those tweets and live blogs are necessary now that the relaying of sports information to the public has become up-to-the-second. Readers no longer have to wait for a newspaper landing in their driveway to find out if the local boys or girls won last night’s game.
Still, McGill’s roots are sunk deep in old-school printed newspapers, and he’s confident he’ll retire before they will.
“I grew up in Charleston and I delivered the Daily Mail,” McGill explained…