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WVONGA, IOGA WV working on oil and natural gas license plate

Release from IOGA of WV:

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Oil and Natural Gas Association and Independent Oil and Gas Association of West Virginia are working to promote a new oil and natural gas industry license plate.

Driving a personal or fleet vehicle with this special plate will enable you to identify and promote the industry, officials said.

Note: the graphic above is a prototype for design purposes and is subject to change.

A minimum of 250 pre-paid applications must be received by July 1, 2020, for the DMV to start the production process. The license plates will then be distributed later this summer.

“To get your special plate, please complete the attached ‘preliminary interest application’ from the DMV.  Mail it and a check for $91.50 made payable to ‘IOGAWV Special License Plate,” an official said. .  

If you have any questions, or want additional information, please call 304-343-1609 or email [email protected].

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