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Woods and Water Festival postponed

The Logan Banner

LOGAN, W.Va. — The city of Logan has postponed the second Woods and Water Festival scheduled for this weekend because heavy rains expected in the area.

The event was originally scheduled for Friday and Saturday, Sept. 1 and 2.

Serafino Nolletti, mayor of the city of Logan, said he hopes the event can be rescheduled for October.

“Just with seeing the weather forecast,” Nolletti said. “We just felt it was the best interest for everyone. Mainly safety on the river and electronic equipment of the bands and movie equipment. If it rains, we know it would have had an effect on attendance.”

The festival began last year to help showcase the natural beauty of the area and increase tourism.

The announced schedule had included performances by bands, games, rock painting, vendors and movie night.

Another featured event was to be the Kayak Float, beginning at 3 mile curve and ending at Four Seasons Country Store.

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