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WVU Faculty Senate receives petitions calling for vote of no confidence in President Gee

By Roger Adkins [email protected]

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — The West Virginia University Faculty Senate has received petitions for a vote of no confidence in President Gordon Gee and a resolution to stop the program and personnel cuts being proposed by the university.

The petitions were announced at a Faculty Senate meeting Monday.

An in-person meeting is set for Sept. 6, where a 700-member quorum will be required to vote on the measures. The meeting will not include an online component, which was a cause of concern for many faculty senate members who feared it would exclude those who cannot attend in person.

Students and faculty members have cited a lack of transparency on the part of the administration as it proposes massive cuts at an accelerated pace.

Last week, students held protests on campus, where they called for Gee’s ouster. Gee, who makes more than $800,000 a year at the helm of the state’s flagship university, recently received a one-year contract extension by the school’s Board of Governors. Gee said he plans to step down when that contract expires in 2025. …

Read more: https://www.wvgazettemail.com/news/education/wvu-faculty-senate-receives-petitions-calling-for-vote-of-no-confidence-in-gee/article_2daf9168-4416-54d0-a22c-ebb7cca0c597.html

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