Dave Corcoran, WVPA Past President
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WVPA Past President’s Pen: Be sure to welcome new president Perry Nardo

By David Corcoran
Publisher of the Glenville Newspapers

Dave Corcoran, WVPA Past President
WVPA Past President Dave Corcoran

Dear West Virginia Publishers & Editors,

What do Past Presidents of the WVPA do?

One of our chief duties all through the years after our terms have ended is to assist the incoming presidents. But, before we do that, we must know who the current president is. Hence, I want to introduce Perry Nardo, of Wheeling Newspapers to you in this short e-mail.

I’ve known Perry for quite a few years, and have found him to be more than a great newspaper person, but a very fine gentleman, as well. He’s sound in his knowledge of our industry because he’s been in the newspaper business for 32 years, serving in various managerial capacities. Notably, his experience has vaulted him up to the General Manager’s post at the Wheeling News Register and The Intelligencer, the latter being one of the oldest and most distinguished papers in the state. The papers, part of a large Ogden Nutting chain (which also owns the Pittsburgh Pirates), are that group’s flagship newspapers, so Perry’s managerial accomplishments have been proven solid. Indeed, he keeps those large Northern Panhandle dailies moving forward, day in and day out.

WVPA President Perry Nardo
WVPA President Perry Nardo

Most importantly, he expressed a desire at our August WVPA Convention to help bolster all of the state’s newspapers by making his presidential theme: “Driving Up Newspaper Revenues.” That’s music to all of our ears, especially since we are now moving out of the recession and back to normal. At the same time, these post-recessionary times are different times, perhaps needing fresh approaches to growing our revenues. He’ll have some suggestions about these new strategies, while working closely with WVPA Executive Director Don Smith, who is a close friend of his.

So, I, as your past president, not only welcome Perry and his efforts to promote new money-making  ideas, but also urge you to forward any of your own revenue enhancement successes to the WVPA office in order to compile them and to distribute them to all of our member newspapers.

Finally, please assist Perry whenever you can or, at least, say hello to him at our annual convention at Canaan Valley Resort next August. Moreover, if you want to serve on a committee, let him or executive director Don Smith know, because your help is vital to the advancement of our state’s newspapers.

Have a great week, kind publishers and editors!

Dave Corcoran, Sr.,
Publisher-Sr. Editor-Owner,
The Glenville Newspapers

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