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WVPA Advisory: Forms available for Statement of Ownership and Affidavit of Circulation


2014-15 WVSOS Newspaper Affidavit now available
2014-15 WVSOS Newspaper Affidavit now available

Your newspaper’s annual Statement of Ownership form is due at the Post Office before Oct. 1 of each year and your annual Affidavit of Circulation is due (along with a copy of your statement of ownership) at the WV Secretary of State’s office before Nov. 1 of each year. 

There can be a severe penalty – in terms of a reduced legal ad rate – for missing these deadlines.
Here is a link, also:
Here is a link, also:
In addition to filing the SofO with the USPS and including a copy with your AofC, dailies must also publish a copy of your statement of ownership in the newspaper by Oct. 10. Weeklies must publish a copy in the newspaper by Oct. 31. (See page 4 of the Statement of Ownership form for all details.)
Please send a copy of these forms to the WVPA office: West Virginia Press Association, 3422 Pennsylvania Ave., Charleston, W.Va. 25302


Don Smith
Executive Director
West Virginia Press Association
3422 Pennsylvania Ave.,
Charleston, W.Va. 25302
Office: 304-342-1011, ext. 160

Cell: 304-550-0454
Fax: 304-343-5879
Email: [email protected]
Newspapers are good business in West Virginia

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