CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The WV Center on Budget and Policy is hosting economic development training.
According to the WVCBP, the goal of the June 12 meeting is to “help progressives win on important economic issues facing West Virginia working families.”
Fiscal policy analyst Sean O’Leary, who has worked for over five years on tax and budget issues at the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy, will lead the program, outlining what he sees as the tools necessary to help progressives win on important economic issues facing West Virginia working families.
“Jobs and the economy are our issues too,” organizers said. “If you want to start winning the economic development debate in West Virginia, this training is for you.
The debate Friday, June 12, 3:30 p.m. until – 5:p.m. at the WV Healthy Kids and Families office, 1114 Quarrier Street, 3rd Floor, Charleston WV (in the YWCA building).
To register, email [email protected]
For more information, contact O’Leary at [email protected]