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U.S. Sen. Manchin attends community round tables in Weirton, Wheeling

West Virginia Press Association

WHEELING, W.Va. – On April 4, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) participated in a roundtable discussion with Weirton leadership to discuss the recent job losses from the closure of the Cleveland-Cliffs tin mill facility and the region’s economic development opportunities going forward. Following that event, Senator Manchin attended a second roundtable in Wheeling to highlight numerous federal investments he secured in recent funding packages, including $5,000,000 for a new Wheeling Welcome Center, $1,550,000 for upgrades at the Wheeling Fire Department, and many more. 

“It was a pleasure to attend both roundtables today and speak with leaders from the Weirton and Wheeling communities,” said Senator Manchin. “Cleveland-Cliffs’ closure is an absolute injustice to West Virginia workers and the entire domestic steel industry, and I was glad to be able to speak with Weirton leadership about how we can move forward from this massive loss.”

“In Wheeling, I had the opportunity to discuss the recent federal investments I secured for the region and the importance of local collaboration to make these projects successful. I also had crucial conversations with Wheeling Mayor Glenn Elliott about ongoing flood recovery efforts and I stand ready to help our communities recover and rebuild. I’m grateful to everyone involved in making today’s events possible and I’m leaving the Northern Panhandle more confident than ever there is nothing West Virginians can’t accomplish when we work together,” Senator Manchin continued.

A timeline of Senator Manchin’s efforts to protect Cleveland-Cliffs and the domestic steel industry against illegally dumped and subsidized imports is available here.

Photos from the events are available here.

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