SEIU District 1199 represents thousands of nurses and health care workers in WV
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Today, the Service Employee International Union—District 1199 WV/KY/OH threw its support behind businessman Jim Justice for governor.
SEIU 1199 represents 6,000 healthcare workers in hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, and Head Start employees across West Virginia.
“Jim Justice is on the side of working families, and his opponent is doing everything he can to throw West Virginia workers under the bus,” said Becky Williams, President of SEIU District 1199. “Jim knows how to create good paying jobs and put people to work. He is involved in medicine and understands the important role health care workers play in a community.”
President Williams continued, “Senate President Bill Cole is typical politician who is only out to help himself. His self-dealing agenda has divided our state and hurt working families.”
“It means so much to have working families with me in my effort to transform West Virginia,” said businessman Jim Justice. “Our state can be a leader in the healthcare industry. I will grow jobs in West Virginia, and make sure our health care workers get the respect and support they deserve.”