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Senate President Carmichael statement on House of Delegates Action on Senate Bill 451

CHARLESTON, W.VA. — W.VA. Senate President Mitch Carmichael, R-Jackson, issued the following statement on the House of Delegates action of on SB 451. On Tuesday, the House vote to postpone the bill indefinitely:

Senate President Mitch Carmichael

“Today’s action by the House of Delegates on comprehensive education reform is a delay, not a defeat. There is a vital need to reform West Virginia’s education system, and I do not believe that any true transformation comes through pay raise alone. Our families deserve competition, choice, and flexibility. The 18 members of the Senate who relentlessly pursued giving families that option will not stop working toward that goal. Thousands of families across the state had their fundamental right to educational freedom usurped by the will of those who cling so desperately to the status quo and the empty promises by those who pressure them to defend it. I am disappointed, but let me be clear: I am not defeated. In the Senate, “tired of being 50th” isn’t just a clever slogan. It’s a call for action, and we will act.”


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