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Political Advisory: West Virginia State Senate Finance Chairman Eric Tarr endorses Alex Mooney for United States Senate

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CHARLESTON, W.Va. — West Virginia State Senate Finance Chairman Eric Tarr has issued the following statement:

Senator Eric Tarr

I strongly endorse Alex Mooney for United States Senate.  American families, fundamental values, children, and constitutional freedoms are under attack.  Now more than ever Republicans need to send conservatives to the United States Senate. Alex Mooney has demonstrated himself to be an unwavering fighter against the leftists and the tools they use to destroy America.  Against heavy repudiation from the liberals in our own Republican party he has aggressively and consistently fought for fiscal conservatism, parents’ rights, marriage between one man and one woman, the uninfringed right to bear arms and much more.  He has placed policy ahead of theater and gaslighting. Alex pulls the U.S. Senate to the right.

This is all in great contrast to his Primary Election opponent, Jim Justice.  In his first State of the State address in 2017, Democrat Jim Justice called for a $450 million tax increase on the people of West Virginia, then went on to pile cow dung on the Republican Majority’s budget that reduced spending and bureaucracy by $450 million. Jim Justice later scoffed at Senate President’s Craig Blair’s call for flat budgets to further control spending.  Overruling Jim Justice’s demand for taxes and spending, the Legislature implemented flat budgets for four years, amounting to an additional $600 million of year-in year-out savings, and ultimately historic surpluses and tax cuts. Then Justice claimed the credit for Craig Blair’s ideas and groundwork, including the historic tax cuts, once Justice saw he could not defeat the effort. In true charlatan fashion Jim Justice claims credit for placing the state in position for a tax cut that he fought against from day one. In spite of Jim’s lies, the truth is all Justice did was sign the bill.  Jim Justice pulls the U.S. Senate left.

Jim Justice propelled himself to popularity via marketing with no substance.  Much like Budweiser parading Spuds McKenzie while aligning themselves against American families, Jim Justice directed attention to his dog while he surrounded himself and polluted the Governor’s office with the political team of Joe Manchin. As Jim Justice bankrupted vendors to his companies and shirked paying his own taxes, he smiled and aww’ shucked himself in front of cameras under the protection of being Governor while his Joe Manchin friends filled their pockets from representing recipients of state contracts.

From my perspective of being very close to the action, the choice is very clear.  With Alex Mooney you get what you see, an aggressive, effective, conservative fighter.   With Jim Justice we get a fraud, a political profiteer who shows you his right hand while his left hand does the work.  He’s Joe Manchin in a fat suit. Let’s beat the Manchin Mafia with a Trump style conservative, send Alex Mooney to the United States Senate.

Eric J. Tarr

Republican West Virginia State Senator, District 4

Chairman, Senate Committee on Finance

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