WV Senate Majority Leader says one person can make a difference in changing legislation Editor’s Note: The following article is part of the West Virginia Press Association’s series on the “Our Children, Our Future” Coalition. The West Virginia Press Association is following the coalition’s efforts, providing reports from its organizational meetings[Read More…]
WVPA Sharing
Member newspaper- and West Virginia Press Association-generated news articles, series, photos, cartoons. This information is available for sharing and publication by other member newspapers.
WVPA to provide photos from Legislative Interim meetings
The West Virginia Press Association plans to provide member newspapers photos from the Sept. 23-25 interim meetings in Charleston of the West Legislature. Here is the link to next week’s interim meeting schedule : http://www.legis.state.wv.us/committees/interims/intcomsched.cfm For more information, contact Don Smith, executive director of the WVPA, at 304-342-1011, ext. 160,[Read More…]
The Exponent Telegram looking for a reporter
The Exponent Telegram, a multimedia company serving a nine-county area, is looking for a talented reporter to cover our expanding marketplace. North Central West Virginia is home to growing high-tech, health care, higher education, energy and aviation industries. We are home to the FBI’s fingerprint and biometics center and several small-[Read More…]
Time to file your Statement of Ownership, 2014-15 Qualified Newspaper Affidavit form
It’s time again to file your statement of ownership and qualified newspaper affidavit. Newspapers must file the reports with the US Post Office and the WV Secretary of State. Below is the most current US Postal form. The WVPA is working with the WV SOS office to get the proper[Read More…]
WVPA Sharing: The Charleston Gazette’s Ellis and Gutman are ‘On the Job’
The West Virginia Press Association appreciates the efforts of the thousands of employees of West Virginia newspapers. When possible, the WVPA will share news and photos as an “On the Job” feature. On Friday, Sept. 6, 2013: Reporter David Gutman and photographer Chip Ellis covered U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller’s appearance[Read More…]
Photo and Design: Kevin Slimp looks at newspapers
By Kevin Slimp For the WVPA Over the past 15 years or so, I’ve worked with newspapers of all sizes. My clients have included some of the biggest newspapers, as well as a few of the smallest papers in North America. I would like to dedicate this column to my[Read More…]
Advertising Advice: John Foust looks at evaluating your advertising department
A simple formula for (sales) meetings By John Foust Raleigh, NC Sherry works in the production department of a large paper. She told me about the special formula they frequently use in meetings that are intended to evaluate procedures. The meetings are based on three simple questions: (1) What should[Read More…]
Common Sense Journalism: Columnist Fisher says goodbye to two old friends
By Doug Fisher For the WVPA I’d like to take a moment to mark the passing of two old journalism friends. These aren’t people, but publications of note from two noteworthy figures in journalism and journalism education: Writer-L from two-time Pulitzer winner Jon Franklin and Update from journalism professor Melvin[Read More…]
WVPA Sharing: The Charleston Gazette provides an excellent sponsorship example
One of the most noted seminars at the West Virginia Press Association’s Convention 2013 was the panel discussion between representatives of West Virginia advertising agencies and WVPA member newspapers. During the seminar, advertising agency representatives mentioned that their clients — our newspaper advertisers — are often upset when the names[Read More…]
WVPA Release: Free gambling addiction workshop set for gamblers and families
CHARLESTON — The Problem Gamblers Help Network of West Virginia is hosting a free weekend workshop for problem gamblers and their loved ones. The group, which operates the 1-800-GAMBLER helpline, has hosted this event for eight years. It will take place on Sept. 20-22 at the John XXIII Pastoral Center in[Read More…]