Opinion, WVPA Sharing

Opinion: How to file a comment

By Charlotte Lane, chair, Public Service Commission of West Virginia

I want you to know that here at the Public Service Commission, we suffer through the same concerns that many of you do about the cost of gasoline, water and power bills, groceries, and every other budget item. The Commission wants to hear your concerns, and we take your comments very seriously.

We have simple means for you to express your thoughts. You can mail comments to us at 201 Brooks St., Charleston, WV 25301. But the easiest way is to simply use your computer.

Take a look at our website at www.psc.state.wv.us. Look in the yellow field to the left of the pictures of the commissioners. Under the first section, titled “Inside the PSC,” you will see a highlighted section that says “Submit a Comment.” Click on that. The next screen offers an easy way to submit one of two types of comments.

The first is a general comment or suggestion. Click on that and it will open a form. It looks busy, but it is fairly simple. At the bottom is a place for you to type in your comments and a submit button. The information will be directed through our internal system and will reach the proper people who are concerned with your issues.

This site also has a second button. This can be used if you are interested in a formal case already before the Commission. Because this involves a specific case, we require that you be properly identified as a legitimate person. Again, we want your comments, but we want to ensure that those comments come from a person with an interest in the case.

Fill out this form and add your comments, then we will verify who you are. Once we complete the verification process, your comments will be added as an activity in the formal case process. We won’t include crude or crank remarks, but welcome legitimate comments in any case.

So, here are two different ways you can get involved in the process and explain your position on issues before the Commission. We cannot guarantee your complains will be fully satisfied, but you can know that your words will be heard by the Commission. We look forward to hearing from you.

We have tried to make this process as simple as possible for your convenience. We hope you’ll give it a try.

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