By Gabriella Brown, The Dominion Post
MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — Marjorie Fuller was just 10 years old when the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated.
Fuller, director of the WVU Center for Black Culture and Research, was too young at the time to participate in the civil rights movement but remembers the shock waves his death sent throughout her family, the nation and the world.
“I remember the grief when he was killed,” she said. “I remember the conversations that were had in my household about his death, and I remember the funeral.”
Today, on the federal holiday bearing his name, the United States honors the influential civil rights leader from Atlanta. And over half a century since his assassination, people continue to fight to make his dream a reality.
While movements such as Black Lives Matter represent the battle for similar freedoms, many of the goals and changes people hope to see have evolved over time.
“Black people were basically fighting for basic life freedoms during Dr. King’s time, and there was an acknowledgement that there needed to be a change in the way that people thought,” Fuller said. “The freedoms that Black people are really fighting for now are those more unspoken and non-tangibles.” …
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