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Media Advisory: Release of report on impact of repeal of Prevailing Wage law set for Tuesday

From the West Virginia State Building and Construction Trades Council:

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia State Building and Construction Trades Council has announced a press conference to release a report on Impact of Repealing Prevailing Wage Law.

WHAT: Press Conference:
Conducted by researchers at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and the Midwest Economic Policy Institute, the report evaluates economic and school construction project data to assess the effects of repealing prevailing wage in West Virginia.

WHO:             West Virginia State Building and Construction Trades Council
                        Steve White, Director, Affiliated Construction Trades

WHEN: TUESDAY, May 21, 2019, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

WHERE:            West Virginia State Capital
                           Governor’s Press Conference Room
                           1900 Kanawha Blvd, East
                           Charleston, West Virginia

WHY:               In May 2016, West Virginia completely repealed its prevailing wage law, which had previously ensured that public expenditures reflected local market standards for compensation and craftsmanship, which leveled the playing field for local construction contractors. West Virginia’s legislative leaders exclaimed the State could “build five new schools for the price of three” if the prevailing wage law was repealed. Were they right or was it all a con job?

Repeal of prevailing wage has produced a race to the bottom. Construction worker wages have in some cases fallen, and in most cases, not kept pace with the rising cost-of-living, apprenticeship training has fallen significantly, and on-the-job injury rates have worsened. Additionally, more out-of-state firms have entered the market and won bids on public projects. Above all, repeal has failed to provide any cost savings on school construction projects for taxpayers. Instead, repeal has had negative effects on construction workers, contractors, and communities in West Virginia.
 Live stream available at: facebook.com/WV-State-Building-Trades-789287761163376/

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