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I think you missed a spot: Painters go to new heights on Green Bank Telescope


The Pocahontas Times

How many painters do you see? Three painters at the Green Bank Observatory travel in spider baskets to hang underneath the Green Bank Telescope to paint the steel beams of the structure. From bottom going up are Dustin Dilley, Taylor Layne and Ryan Irvine.
(Pocahontas Times photo by Suzanne Stewart)

GREEN BANK, W.Va. — There is no denying that the Green Bank Telescope is a one-of-a-kind instrument, and the individuals who work with it are making some of the most groundbreaking discoveries in astronomy, science and engineering.

With the focus on the work of the telescope, it’s easy to forget the people who maintain it and make sure all its parts are in working order.

Those are the summer workers – the ones who replace car-sized plates on the telescope’s tracks and hang 200 feet in the air in buckets to paint the steel structure underneath the dish.

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