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Explaining high electric bills: American Electric Power gives reasoning for increase, adjustments

By Charles Boothe, Bluefield Daily Telegraph

BLUEFIELD, W.Va. — Many people are complaining about higher electric bills this winter, and an AEP spokesman said they are a little higher from last year because of an adjustment made to help the company pay for extra expenses.

Phil Moye, AEP spokesman, said customers will see a slight increase this winter based on that adjustment.

“Our base rates have stayed the same, but we have had some adjustments,” he said. “It is a little different (higher) than last year.”

The adjustment made last year after approval of the Public Service Commission (PSC) to compensate AEP for its extra expenses related to increased fuel costs and to rights-of-way tree trimming and maintenance.

No change had been made for those expenses since 2016, he said, and it’s a matter of adjusting the amount collected from customers to match the costs paid out…

To read more: https://www.bdtonline.com/news/explaining-high-electric-bills-american-electric-power-gives-reasoning-for-increase-adjustments/article_5f053b84-65c5-11eb-b3b6-378dc9119d8e.html

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