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Cunningham Energy drilling horizontal oil wells in Clay County

CHARLESTON — Cunningham Energy LLC has announced plans for three new shallow horizontal oil wells to be drilled in Clay County

Cunningham Energy said all three horizontal wells are targeting oil in the Big Injun Sand formation in Union District of Clay County.
The wells will be drilled from the “Rhino” pad, according to Cunningham Energy.
“Cunningham Energy is tremendously excited to be involved in horizontal oil development in West Virginia,” said Ryan Cunningham of Cunningham Energy. “We believe that the future of West Virginia shallow oil and gas development is horizontal drilling and completion.”
Cunningham said the company is currently completing a five-well shallow vertical drilling program in the Clay County region; He expects the first horizontal Rhino well to be drilled in December
Cunningham Energy LLC, formed in 2008, is a private independent production and exploration company based in Charleston.

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