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Broadband plan to exclusively benefit West Virginians without current internet access

By Charles Young, WV News

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The $1 billion dollar broadband internet expansion plan recently announced by state officials will exclusively benefit West Virginians who do not currently have internet access, Economic Development Secretary Mitch Carmichael said Wednesday.

Speaking during a virtual roundtable session organized by the West Virginia Press Association, Carmichael said the plan will not improve or expand internet access in areas that already have it.

“This money can only be utilized to serve those who do not have broadband service,” he said. “We are absolutely going to those who are currently unserved, as defined by the FCC, which is 25 down, three up megabit speeds.”

State officials did not use the FCC’s infamously inaccurate broadband access maps to determine which areas do and do not have currently have broadband access, Carmichael said.

“We know exactly in this state who has broadband and who does not,” he said. “We didn’t take the FCC’s word for it. We’re mapping it correctly and with the input of citizens throughout West Virginia who are taking the speed tests.” …

To read more: https://www.wvnews.com/news/wvnews/broadband-plan-to-exclusively-benefit-west-virginians-without-current-internet-access/article_464e15a6-31a4-11ec-8779-e3f61b096c74.html

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