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Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2019
28th Day of the Legislative Session
Rotunda and social activities: Fairness West Virginia, Upper House Rotunda (9 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.); AARP, Upper Senate Rotunda; Alzheimer’s Association Advocacy Day, Lower Rotunda.
Senate to convene at 11 a.m.
On The Agenda
- SR 27: Designating February 5, 2019, as WV Alzheimer’s Association Day
- SR 28: Commemorating life and career of Coach Joe Retton
- SR 29: Congratulating Doug Nuzum for winning Earle S. Dillard Insurance Agent of Year Award
- SCR 22: Urging Congress call convention for purpose of proposing amendment restoring free and fair elections
- SCR 24: Hazel Dickens Memorial Bridge
- There are no bills on Third Reading on Tuesday, February 5, 2019.
- Com. Sub. for SB 154: Using school facilities for funeral and memorial services for certain community members
- Com. Sub. for SB 157: Authorizing Department of Administration promulgate legislative rules (original similar to HB 2231)
- Com. Sub. for SB 175: Authorizing DHHR promulgate legislative rules (original similar to HB 2243)
- SB 267: Requiring State Board of Education adopt policy detailing level of computer science instruction (original similar to HB 2415)
- SB 343: Relating to review and approval of state property leases (original similar to HB 2601)
- Com. Sub. for SB 387: Relating generally to extradition (original similar to HB 2757)
- Com. Sub. for SB 392: Relating to payment of invoices received by Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation for contract work
- Eng. HB 2462: Issuing a certificate to correctional employees to carry firearms – (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
- Com. Sub. for SB 127: Relating to parole officers’ duties to perform alcohol and drug testing of litigants
- Com. Sub. for SB 163: Authorizing DEP promulgate legislative rules (original similar to HB 2236)
10 a.m.: Transportation and Infrastructure (451M)
- SB 458: Relating to Traffic Violations
- Originating Bill 1: Relating to registration fees for military related special registration plates
- SCR 7: Urging Congress provide exceptions to weight limits on trucks on interstate
- SCR 16: US Army SP4 Wilbur Allen Smith Memorial Bridge
- SCR 20: US Air Force SSGT Ryan David Hammond Memorial Bridge
1 p.m.: Health and Human Resources (451M)
- SB 394: Allowing state to opt out of federal statute relating to SNAP benefits
- SB 400: Allowing Board of Dentistry create specialty licenses
- SB 431: Reporting procedures of abuse and neglect of adults and children
- SB 489: Relating to Pharmacy Audit Integrity Act
2 p.m.: Government Organization (208W)
- SB 352: Relating to Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation acquiring and disposing of goods and commodities
- SB 496: Transferring authority to regulate milk from DHHR to Department of Agriculture
- HB 2028: Limiting supervision of laying of lines on state rights-of-way
2 p.m. Education (451M)
- SB 39: Providing certain military members in-state residency tuition rates
3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)
- SB 317: Authorizing three or more adjacent counties form multicounty trail network authority
- SB 408: Determining indigency for public defender services
- SB 417: Requiring minors in possession of marijuana and their parents attend classes teaching dangers of marijuana
3 p.m.: Finance (451M)
- SB 13: Changing distribution of racetrack video lottery net terminal income, excess net terminal income, and excess lottery fund
- Com. Sub. for SB 14: Creating WV Farm-to-School Grant Program
- SB 19: Relating to Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program
- SB 147: Shifting funding from Landfill Closure Assistance Fund to local solid waste authorities
- SB 499: Amending WV tax laws to conform to changes in partnerships for federal income tax purposes
- Com. Sub. for HB 2191: Relating generally to limited video lottery
- Com. Sub. for HB 2307: Relating to creating a provisional license for practicing barbering and cosmetology
Senate Bills to be Introduced Tuesday, February 5, 2019
- SB 521: Requiring approved agricultural education program be offered in high schools (FN) (Cline; Education then Finance
- SB 522: Creating Special Road Repair Fund (FN) (Smith, Sypolt; Transportation and Infrastructure then Finance)
- SB 523: Prohibiting retailers from selling or leasing products that make certain content accessible on internet (FN) (Smith; Judiciary)
- SB 524: Defining property insurance terms (Azinger; Banking and Insurance)
- SB 525: Requiring form for commitment order to Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation (FN) (Boso, Woelfel; Judiciary)
- SB 526: Authorizing certain officers carry firearm in official duties (Boso, Sypolt, Facemire, Jeffries, Woelfel; Judiciary)
- SB 527: Relating to oil or natural gas leases (Smith; Energy, Industry and Mining then Judiciary)
- SB 528: Relating to accident and sickness insurance and pre-existing condition coverage (Stollings; Banking and Insurance then Judiciary)
- SB 529: Clarifying provisions of Nonintoxicating Beer Act (FN) (Trump; Judiciary)
- SB 530: Relating to state employee merit system (Trump; Judiciary)
- SB 531: Relating generally to workers’ compensation claims (Trump; Banking and Insurance)
- SB 532: Requiring emergency service organizations create districts regarding towing services (Maynard; Transportation and Infrastructure then Government Organization)
- SCR 25: US Army PFC Andrew “Bo” Martin Harper Memorial Bridge (Beach)
* (FN) indicates the bill has a Fiscal Note
* (IB) indicates the bill is an Interim Bill
Committee Action on Bills from Monday, February 4, 2019
2 p.m.: Banking and Insurance
- SB 74: Exempting nonpaid volunteers at ski areas from workers’ compensation benefits
- Committee Substitute reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass; second reference to Judiciary
- SB 340: Repealing obsolete provisions of WV Medical Professional Liability Insurance Joint Underwriting Association
- Committee Substitute reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass; second reference to Judiciary
- SB 407: Relating to abandonment and indication of ownership in property held by financial institution
- Committee Substitute reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass; second reference to Judiciary
- SB 453: Relating to background checks of certain financial institutions
- Bill reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
3 p.m.: Judiciary
- SB 237: Improving ability of law enforcement to locate and return missing persons
- Committee Substitute reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
- SB 356: Authorizing Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation to release certain information to county prosecutors and US Attorney
- Committee Substitute reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
3 p.m.: Finance
- SB 16: Authorizing expenditure of surplus funds by Wyoming County Commission
- Bill reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
- SB 30: Eliminating tax on annuity considerations collected by life insurer
- Committee Substitute reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
- Com. Sub. for SB 90: Transferring Safety and Treatment Program from DHHR to DMV
- Committee Substitute for the Committee Substitute reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
- Com. Sub. for SB 323: Establishing revenue fund and source to support Department of Agriculture’s improvement to facilities
- Committee Substitute reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
- SB 346: Changing rate which certain judges are paid for mileage when traveling within state
- Bill reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
- Subcommittee Report for SB 263: Limiting number of days legislators may be compensated during extended and extraordinary sessions if budget bill not enacted
- Subcommittee report received, Committee Substitute proposed; Committee Substitute reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
Bills that Have Passed the Senate as of Monday, February 4, 2019 (60 Senate; 1 House)
- SB 1: Increasing access to career education and workforce training (House Education)
- SB 3: Establishing WV Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act (House Technology and Infrastructure)
- SB 4: Relating generally to Municipal Home Rule Program (House Government Organization)
- SB 10: Relating to Second Chance Driver’s License Program (House Technology and Infrastructure)
- SB 17: Relating to probation eligibility (Completed; Awaiting action by Governor)
- SB 18: Relating to crimes committed on State Capitol Complex (House Judiciary)
- SB 24: Relating generally to local boards of health (House Political Subdivisions)
- SB 27: Removing restrictions on where certain traditional lottery games may be played (Pending Senate concurrence)
- SB 28: Removing hotel occupancy tax limit collects for medical care and emergency services (Pending Senate concurrence; Senate refers to Rules for further consideration)
- SB 36: Allowing adjustment of gross income for calculating personal income liability for certain retirees (House Pensions and Retirement)
- SB 55: Relating to driving privileges and requirements for persons under 18 (House Technology and Infrastructure)
- SB 61: Adding certain crimes for which prosecutor may apply for wiretap (House Judiciary)
- SB 62: Requiring participation in drug court program before discharge of certain first-time drug offenses (House Judiciary)
- SB 63: Relating to partial filling of prescriptions (House Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse)
- SB 72: Creating Sexual Assault Victims’ Bill of Rights (House Judiciary)
- SB 100: Increasing court fees to fund law-enforcement standards training and expenses (Pending House introduction)
- SB 101: Equalizing penalties for intimidating and retaliating against certain public officers and other persons (House Judiciary)
- SB 102: Relating generally to powers and authority of courthouse security officers (House Judiciary)
- SB 103: Relating generally to Public Defender Services (House Judiciary)
- SB 106: Alleviating double taxation on foreign income at state level (House Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development)
- SB 119: Specifying documents not subject to discovery in certain proceedings (Completed; Awaiting action by Governor)
- SB 124: Creating felony offense for actions of cruelty to animals which causes serious injury or death of animal (House Judiciary)
- SB 149: Exempting certain veterans from concealed weapons license fees (House Judiciary)
- SB 152: Relating generally to criminal offense expungement (House Finance)
- SB 177: Fire Commission rule relating to State Building Code (Completed; Awaiting action by Governor)
- SB 187: Authorizing Department of Revenue to promulgate legislative rules (House Finance)
- SB 190: DOH rule relating to employment procedures (House Technology and Infrastructure)
- SB 199: Authorizing certain miscellaneous agencies and boards promulgate legislative rules (House Government Organization)
- SB 223: Authorizing Department of Commerce promulgate legislative rules (House Energy)
- SB 233: Relating to age requirements for deputy sheriff (House Government Organization)
- SB 236: Providing notice of eligibility to persons to vote after completion of punishment or pardon (House Judiciary)
- SB 240: Repealing certain legislative rules no longer authorized or are obsolete (H First Reading, 02-05-10)
- SB 241: Permitting county court clerks scan certain documents in electronic form (House Political Subdivisions)
- SB 243: Requiring racetrack participate in WV Thoroughbred Development Fund (House Finance)
- SB 253: Protecting consumers from automatic purchase renewal and continuous service offers (House Judiciary)
- SB 255: Relating to Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee (Completed; Awaiting action by Governor)
- SB 256: Allowing certain deductions from individual personal income tax refunds (House Finance)
- SB 258: Establishing common law “veil piercing” claims not be used to impose personal liability (House Judiciary)
- SB 264: Requiring courts to order restitution to crime victims where economically practicable (House Judiciary)
- SB 268: Updating meaning of federal taxable income in WV Corporation Net Income Tax Act (H Third Reading, 02-05-19)
- SB 269: Updating terms used in WV Personal Income Tax Act (H Third Reading, 02-05-19)
- SB 270: Streamlining process for utilities access to DOH rights-of-way (House Judiciary)
- SB 272: Updating code relating to Commission on Special Investigations (Completed; Awaiting action by Governor)
- SB 297: Extending expiration of military members’ spouses’ driver’s license (House Technology and Infrastructure)
- SB 324: Relating to Commissioner of Agriculture employees (Pending House introduction)
- SB 331: Using leashed dogs to track mortally wounded deer or bear (House Agriculture and Natural Resources)
- SB 332: Relating to Class Q special hunting permit for disabled persons (House Agriculture and Natural Resources)
- SB 354: Expiring funds to balance of Auditor’s Office – Chief Inspector’s Fund (House Finance)
- SB 357: Relating generally to Division of Administrative Services (Pending House introduction)
- SB 358: Exempting Purchasing Division purchases for equipment to maintain security at state facilities (Pending House introduction)
- SB 361: Relating to Public Defender Services (Pending House introduction)
- SB 369: Relating to generic drug products (Pending House introduction)
- SB 373: Relating to financial responsibility of inmates (Pending House introduction)
- SB 377: Relating to minimum wage and maximum hour standards (Pending House introduction)
- SB 389: Allowing developmentally disabled person purchase base hunting license (Pending House introduction)
- SB 390: Requiring electric utilities submit feasibility studies of constructing and operating middle-mile broadband internet projects (House Technology and Infrastructure)
- SB 398: Relating to compensation for senior judges (Pending House introduction)
- SB 399: Relating to compensation for senior magistrates (Pending House introduction)
- SB 451: Comprehensive education reform (Pending House introduction)
- HB 2351: Relating to regulating prior authorizations (Pending House concurrence)
Resolutions that have Passed the Senate as of Monday, February 4, 2019 (5)
- SCR 4: US Marine Corps Lt. Col. Dennis Ray Blankenship Memorial Road (House Technology and Infrastructure)
- SCR 9: US Army PFC Winten L. Wayts Memorial Bridge (House Technology and Infrastructure)
- SCR 11: Urging Congress pass fully funded long-term surface transportation and infrastructure measures (House Technology and Infrastructure)
- SCR 12: US Army CPL Lee Roy Young Memorial Bridge (House Technology and Infrastructure)
- SCR 23: Jeffrey Alan Clovis Memorial Bridge (Pending House introduction)
Bills and Resolutions that have Completed Legislation as of Monday, February 4, 2019 (5)
- SB 17: Relating to probation eligibility (Completed; Awaiting action by Governor)
- SB 119: Specifying documents not subject to discovery in certain proceedings (Completed; Awaiting action by Governor)
- SB 177: Fire Commission rule relating to State Building Code (Completed; Awaiting action by Governor)
- SB 255: Relating to Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee (Completed; Awaiting action by Governor)
- SB 272: Updating code relating to Commission on Special Investigations (Completed; Awaiting action by Governor)
Committee times and agendas are subject to change. Follow @WVSenClerk on Twitter for updates.
All Senate Committee meetings and floor sessions are available for both live streaming and to watch again in our archives. The link to the Senate’s archived video page can be found here:
House to convene at 11 a.m.
On the agenda:
- S. B. 268 – Updating meaning of federal taxable income in WV Corporation Net Income Tax Act
- S. B. 269 – Updating terms used in WV Personal Income Tax Act
- Com. Sub. for H. B. 2004 – Providing for a program of instruction in workforce preparedness
- Com. Sub. for H. B. 2420 – Establishing the Mountaineer Trail Network Recreation Authority
- H. B. 2666 – Supplemental appropriation to the Department of Veterans’ Assistance
- H. B. 2668 – Supplemental appropriation to the Department of Administration, Public Defender Services
SECOND READING – Amendment Stage
- Com. Sub. for H. B. 2363 – Relating to the Upper Kanawha Valley Resiliency and Revitalization Program
- Com. Sub. for H. B. 2490 – Preventing proposing or enforcing rules that prevent recreational water facilities from making necessary upgrades
- H. B. 2691 – Providing that a license to carry a concealed deadly weapon expires on the holder’s birthday
- Com. Sub. for H. B. 2779 – Providing that proceeds from certain oil and gas wells to persons whose name or address are unknown are to be kept in a special fund
- Com. Sub. for S. B. 240 – Repealing certain legislative rules no longer authorized or are obsolete (Judiciary Committee Amendment Pending)
- Com. Sub. for H. B. 2204 – Prohibiting state licensing boards from hiring lobbyists
- Com. Sub. for H. B. 2479 – Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure Act
- Com. Sub. for H. B. 2481 – Permitting retail sale of alcoholic beverages on Sundays after 1 p.m.
- H. B. 2608 – Repealing the requirement of printing the date a consumer deposit account was opened on paper checks
- Com. Sub. for H. B. 2686 – Relating to permitting the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia to create a family drug court pilot program
Agriculture and Natural Resources
8:30 a.m. – Room 215E
Agriculture Bills:
- H. B. 2438, Relating generally to survivor benefits for emergency response providers.
- H. B. 2663, Exempting buildings or structures utilized exclusively for agricultural purposes from the provisions of the State Building Code.
- H. B. 2560, Relating to the operation of state-owned farms.
Natural Resources Bills:
- H. B. 2709, Relating to hunting licenses.
- H. B. 2715, Relating to Class Q special hunting permit for disabled persons.
- H. B. 2716, Relating to motorboat lighting and equipment requirements.
Industry & Labor
10:00 a.m. – Room 215E
- House Concurrent Resolution 25, Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the discrepancy between estimates and actual readings of electrical meters
- House Bill 2441, Removing certain requirements related to wages for construction of public improvements
Committee on Health & Human Resources
2:00 p.m. – Room 215E
- HB 2583 – Family Planning Access Act
- Originating Bill – Update Drug Schedule
Committee on Energy
2:00 p.m. – Room 418M
- H. B. 2661, Relating to natural gas utilities.
- H. B. 2802, Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act.
- Com. Sub. for S. B. 223, Authorizing Department of Commerce promulgate legislative rules.
Pensions & Retirement
4:00 p.m. – Room 460M
- Presentation by Craig Slaughter, Executive Director of Investment Management Board
- H. B. 2738, Authorizing prepayment of certain required payments into a policemen’s pension and relief fund or a firemen’s pension and relief fund.
- H. B. 2743, Eliminating reference to municipal policemen’s pension and relief funds and firemen’s pension and relief funds in section restricting investment.
- H. B. 2739, Relating to contributions on behalf of employees to a retirement plan administered by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board.
- H. B. 2780, Permitting employees of educational services cooperatives to participate in the State Teachers Retirement System.
*** Agendas and times subject to change. ***
All Senate and House Bills Introduced on Feb. 4, 2019: