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Friday, Jan. 18, 2019
10th Day of the Legislative Session
Rotunda and social activities:
From the Activity Calendar: Jefferson County Day, Upper House and Upper Senate Rotundas.
Senate to convene at 11 a.m.
On The Agenda:
- Eng. SB 272: Updating code relating to Commission on Special Investigations (original similar to HB 2434, SB 71)
- Com. Sub. for SB 3: Establishing WV Small Wireless Facilities Deployment Act
- Com. Sub. for SB 17: Relating to probation eligibility
- Com. Sub. for SB 61: Adding certain crimes for which prosecutor may apply for wiretap
- SB 119: Specifying documents not subject to discovery in certain proceedings
- Com. Sub. for SB 152: Relating generally to criminal offense expungement
- Com. Sub. for SB 62: Requiring participation in drug court program before discharge of certain first-time drug offenses
- Com. Sub. for SB 240: Repealing certain legislative rules no longer authorized or are obsolete
Scheduled Committee Meetings
12:30 p.m.: Agriculture and Rural Development
- SB 193: Agriculture Commissioner rule relating to rural rehabilitation loan program
- SB 194: Agriculture Commissioner rule relating to captive cervid farming
- SB 195: Agriculture Commissioner rule relating to farm-to-food bank tax credit
- SB 196: Agriculture Commissioner rule relating to agritourism
- SB 197: Agriculture Commissioner rule relating to farmers markets
- SB 198: Agriculture Commissioner rule relating to seed certification program
- SB 259: Expanding Coyote Control Program
- SB 19: Relating to Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program
- SB 285: Relating to modification of cottage food laws
Senate Bills to be Introduced Friday, January 18, 2019
- SB 343: Relating to review and approval of state property leases (IB) (Carmichael, Prezioso; Government Organization)
- SB 344: Relating to operation of state-owned farms (FN) (IB) (Carmichael, Prezioso; Agriculture and Rural Development)
- SB 345: Adding definition of “grantee” to include state spending units and local governments (IB) (Carmichael, Prezioso; Government Organization)
- SB 346: Changing rate which certain judges are paid for mileage when traveling within state (FN) (IB) (Carmichael, Prezioso; Finance)
- SB 347: Limiting civil penalty for persons convicted of littering (FN) (Clements, Boso, Maroney, Smith, Trump; Judiciary)
- SB 348: Relating to tobacco usage restrictions (Takubo, Maroney, Prezioso, Stollings; Health and Human Resources then Judiciary)
- SB 349: Allowing individuals to petition for expungement of misdemeanor offenses (Carmichael, Prezioso; Judiciary) [By Request of the Executive]
- SB 350: Defining terms to assure correctional officers are considered law-enforcement officers (FN) (Unger; Government Organization then Finance)
- SB 351: Relating to lobbying by state boards and commissions (Maynard; Judiciary)
- SB 352: Relating to Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation acquiring and disposing of goods and commodities (FN) (Weld; Government Organization then Finance)
- SB 353: Increasing salaries of magistrates, supreme court justices, circuit court judges and family court judges (FN) (Woelfel, Trump; Judiciary then Finance)
- SCR 11: Urging Congress pass fully funded long-term surface transportation and infrastructure measures (Clements)
* (FN) indicates the bill has a Fiscal Note
* (IB) indicates the bill is an Interim Bill
Committee Action on Bills from Thursday, January 17, 2019
9:30 a.m.: Finance (451M)
- Originating Bill: Supplemental appropriation to the West Virginia State Auditor’s Office
- Bill reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
1 p.m.: Energy, Industry, and Mining (208W)
- SB 275: Relating to sale of delinquent surface and mineral properties
- Bill referred to subcommittee – Senator Facemire (D-Braxton), Senator Hamilton (R-Upshur), Senator Clements (R-Wetzel), Senator Lindsay (D-Kanawha)
- SB 52: Entitling natural resource producers to economic opportunity tax credit
- Discussion of this bill will continue at next meeting
1 p.m.: Health and Human Resources (451M)
- SB 169: DHHR rule relating to assisted living residences
- Bill reported as amended to full Senate with recommendation it do pass; second reference to Judiciary
- SB 136: Relating to tobacco usage and e-cigarette restrictions
- Bill reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass; second reference to Judiciary
- SB 63: Relating to partial filling of prescriptions
- Bill reported as amended to full Senate with recommendation it do pass; second reference to Finance
- SB 310: Establishing certain requirements for dental insurance
- Committee Substitute reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
- SB 300: Relating to adoption records
- Removed from agenda
2 p.m.: Government Organization (208W)
- SB 255: Relating to Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee
- Committee Substitute reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
- SB 4: Relating generally to Municipal Home Rule Program
- Removed from agenda
- SB 271: Concerning government procurement of commodities and services
- Bill reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass; second reference to Judiciary
- SB 292: Relating to fire service equipment and training funds for volunteer VFDs
- Bill reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass; second reference to Finance
3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)
- SB 18: Relating to crimes committed on State Capitol Complex
- Committee Substitute reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
- SB 92: Providing special license plate supporting adoption
- Committee postponed further consideration of bill
3 p.m.: Finance (451M)
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 1: Increasing access to career education and workforce training
- Committee Substitute for the Committee Substitute reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
Bills that Have Passed the Senate as of Thursday, January 17, 2019 (8)
- SB 10: Relating to Second Chance Driver’s License Program (House Technology and Infrastructure)
- SB 24: Relating generally to local boards of health (House Political Subdivisions)
- SB 27: Removing restrictions on where certain traditional lottery games may be played (House Finance)
- SB 28: Removing hotel occupancy tax limit collects for medical care and emergency services (House Finance)
- SB 36: Allowing adjustment of gross income for calculating personal income liability for certain retirees (House Pensions and Retirement)
- SB 106: Alleviating double taxation on foreign income at state level (House Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development)
- SB 177: Fire Commission rule relating to State Building Code (House Judiciary)
- SB 190: DOH rule relating to employment procedures (House Technology and Infrastructure)
Committee times and agendas are subject to change. Follow @WVSenClerk on Twitter for updates.
All Senate Committee meetings and floor sessions are available for both live streaming and to watch again in our archives. The link to the Senate’s archived video page can be found here:
House to convene at 11 a.m.
On the agenda:
- H. B. 2185 – Relating to the removal of animals left unattended in motor vehicles (Judiciary Committee Title Amendment Pending)
- Com. Sub. for H. B. 2307 – Relating to creating a provisional license for practicing barbering and cosmetology
SECOND READING – Amendment Stage
- Com. Sub. for H. B. 2190 – Modifying bail requirements
- H. B. 2311 – Exempting short-term license holders to submit information to the State Tax Commission once the term of the permit has expired
- Com. Sub. for H. B. 2008 – Relating to nonpartisan election of justices of the Supreme Court of Appeals
- Com. Sub. for H. B. 2193 – Providing a specific escheat of US savings bonds
- Com. Sub. for H. B. 2362 – Relating to procedures for voting an emergency absentee ballot by qualified voters
Committee on Finance
9:00 a.m. – Room 464M
- Budget Hearing for the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia
Committee on the Judiciary
9:00 a.m. – Room 418M
- H. B. 2005 – Broadband Expansion Act of 2019,
- H. B. 2459 – Exercising authority to exempt individuals domiciled within the state from certain restrictions contained in federal law,
- H. B. 2462 – Issuing a certificate to correctional employees to carry firearms,
- H. B. 2446 – Blue Alert Plan,
- H. B. 2412 – Relating to criminal acts concerning government procurement of commodities and services,
- H. B. 2435 – Authorizing Attorney General to prosecute violations of state criminal law recommended by the Commission on Special Investigations
Committee on Education
9:00 a.m. – Room 432M
- H. B. 2415, Requiring the State Board of Education to adopt a policy detailing the appropriate level of computer science instruction.
- H. B. 2422, Relating to the time for the observation of “Celebrate Freedom Week”.
Committee on Government Organization
9:00 a.m. – Room 215E
- HB 2203, West Virginia Contractor Licensing Act. (JUD)
- HB 2346, Changing the licensing requirement for certain casino employees.
- HB 2360, Placing the Athletic Commission under the Lottery Commission.
- Originating HCR, Requesting the Joint Committee on Government and Finance study the impact of business regulations and economic incentives on business locating and remaining in West Virginia.
*** Agendas and times subject to change. ***
From the Activity Calendar:
BILLS INTRODUCED: Thursday, January 17, 2019
- By Del. Kessinger, Ellington, Hill, Summers, Pack, Storch, Rowan, Sypolt, Harshbarger, Phillips and Capito – Relating to foster care – To Senior, Children, and Family Issues then Health and Human Resources
- By Del. Foster, Kessinger, Waxman, Storch, Dean, Fast, Miller, Hamrick, Hanna, Hornbuckle and Higginbotham – Allowing public school education or employer-sponsored training programs to count towards occupational certification and/or licensure (FN) – To Industry and Labor then Education
- By Del. Steele, Pack, Harshbarger, Mandt, J. Jeffries, Graves, Howell, Wilson, Foster and Kessinger – Increasing criminal penalties for impersonation of law-enforcement officers or officials – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Linville, Householder, Lovejoy, Graves, Higginbotham, Summers, Skaff, Maynard, J. Jeffries, Hornbuckle and Jennings – Providing a special license plate for pollinators (FN) – To Technology and Infrastructure then Finance
- By Del. Pushkin and Hornbuckle – Prohibiting the private ownership or operation of a prison – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Westfall, Azinger, Criss, D. Jeffries, Hamrick, Mandt and Nelson – Relating to a reserving methodology for health insurance and annuity contracts (FN) – To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary
- By Del. Westfall, Queen, D. Jeffries, Hott, Graves, Nelson, Malcolm, Atkinson, Cooper, Higginbotham and Sypolt – Department of Agriculture Capital Improvements Fund – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance
- By Del. Westfall, Azinger, Hott, D. Jeffries, Graves, Jennings, Criss, Mandt and Nelson – Relating to the valuation of a motor vehicle involved in an insurance claim (FN) – To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary
- By Del. Steele, Pack, Shott, D. Kelly and Householder – Establishing different rates of taxation for tobacco products for certain border counties (FN) – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Steele and Pack – Modifying the Fair Trade Practices Act – To Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development then the Judiciary
- By Del. D. Jeffries, Westfall, Hott, Azinger, Graves, Sypolt, Criss, Mandt and Nelson [By Request of the Insurance Commission] – Corporate Governance Annual Disclosure Act – To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary
- By Del. Hott, Westfall, Azinger, D. Jeffries, Graves, Jennings, Criss, Mandt and Nelson [By Request of the Insurance Commission] – Relating to the regulation of an internationally active insurance group (FN) – To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary
- By Del. Steele, Foster and Kessinger – Permitting retail liquor licensees to sell alcoholic beverages from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Sundays (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Mr. Hanshaw Mr. Speaker and Miley [By Request of the Executive] – Relating to the reorganization of state agencies involved in emergency and disaster planning (FN) – To Veterans’ Affairs and Homeland Security then Government Organization
- By Del. Mr. Hanshaw Mr. Speaker and Miley [By Request of the Executive] – Relating to incentives for mathematics teachers (FN) – To Education then Finance
- By Del. Fleischauer, Pethtel, Williams, Pyles, Hansen, Walker, Jennings, Sypolt, Phillips, Miley and Hamrick – Mountaineer Trail Network Recreation Authority – To Political Subdivisions then Government Organization
- By Del. Pushkin, Miller, Kump, Rowe, Caputo, Byrd, McGeehan, Queen, Canestraro, Paynter and Wilson – Relating to expungement of criminal convictions (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Shott – Using records of criminal conviction to disqualify a person from receiving a license for a profession or occupation – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Williams – Pothole app and map – To Technology and Infrastructure then Government Organization
- By Del. Williams – Relating to the theft of consumer identity protections – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Anderson, Higginbotham, J. Kelly, Miley, Cadle, Evans, Azinger, Harshbarger, Pethtel, Boggs and Nelson – Relating to the removal of the severance tax on oil and gas produced from low producing oil and natural gas wells (FN) – To Energy then Finance
- By Del. Howell, Pack, Hott, Rowan, Hamrick, Dean, Graves, Ellington, Staggers, Steele and Higginbotham – Preventing proposing or enforcing rules that prevent recreational water facilities from making necessary upgrades – To Health and Human Resources
- By Del. Fleischauer, Pyles, Walker, Hansen, Pethtel, Williams, Caputo, Sypolt, Jennings, Angelucci and Miley – Providing certain employees of the Highways increases in annual pay (FN) – To Finance
- By Del. Ellington, Hill, Summers, Pack, Atkinson, Wilson, Worrell, D. Jeffries, Hollen and Butler – Relating to mandatory reporting procedures of abuse and neglect of adults and children – To Health and Human Resources
- By Del. Rowan, Lovejoy, Fast, Kessinger, Pack, Sypolt and Butler – Nondiscrimination in Involuntary Denial of Treatment Act (FN) – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
- By Del. Steele, Kessinger, Pack and Howell – Relating to the ineligibility for home incarceration for offenders under certain circumstances (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Kump, Bibby and Wilson – Authorizing certain West Virginia courthouse security officers to carry concealed firearms – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Kump – Shifting funding from the Landfill Closure Assistance Fund to local solid waste authorities (FN) – To Political Subdivisions then Finance
- By Del. Kump – Relating to the whistle-blower law – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Pack, Hollen, Graves, Householder, Byrd, Kessinger, Steele and Summers – Allowing municipalities to prepay their annual contributions to the policemen’s or firemen’s pension and relief fund – To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
- By Del. Capito – Relating to the publication of sample ballots for electronic voting machines – To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary
- By Del. Byrd, Lavender-Bowe, S. Brown, Longstreth, Estep-Burton, Walker and Fleischauer – Exempting certain hygiene products from sales tax (FN) – To Finance
- By Del. Byrd, Skaff and Caputo – Authorizing municipal fire departments specialized license plates – To Fire Departments and Emergency Medical Services then Government Organization
- By Del. Steele, Pack, Harshbarger, Mandt, Graves, Wilson, Foster and Kessinger – Prohibiting registered sex offenders from participating in Halloween activities (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Steele, Pack, Harshbarger, Mandt, J. Jeffries, Graves, Wilson, Foster and Kessinger – Relating to court actions – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Atkinson, Westfall, Anderson, Hill, Criss, C. Martin, J. Kelly, Higginbotham, P. Martin, Nelson and Harshbarger – Relating to complimentary samples of nonintoxicating beer or nonintoxicating craft beer – To Senior, Children, and Family Issues then the Judiciary
- By Del. Steele – Relating to the ineligibility for probation of certain defendants – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Steele – Providing that attorneys-at-law may not be involuntarily appointed as counsel in any judicial matter – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Steele, Pack, Harshbarger, Mandt, J. Jeffries, Graves, Howell, Wilson, Foster and Kessinger – Eliminating good time credit for inmates who have been convicted on a prior occasion of another felony offense in an unrelated matter (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Steele, Paynter, Harshbarger, Mandt, J. Jeffries, Graves, Howell, Wilson, Foster and Kessinger – Relating to certain defendants ineligible for probation (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Pack, Dean, Wilson and Rohrbach – Clarifying that theft of a controlled substance is a felony – To the Judiciary