
Winner-take-all political approach not sound

An editorial from The Register-Herald

BECKLEY, W.Va. — West Virginia, of course, is not the only state concerned about the future of coal as a significant energy source in the United States.

And it’s not the only state where President Barack Obama gets plenty of criticism for the problems faced by the coal industry.

Look across the border to Kentucky, which will have some extra power when Congress convenes in 2015.

Incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who takes over this position with the GOP gaining control of the U.S. Senate as well as the House of Representatives in last month’s election, has vowed to make energy a major issue.

That means a full-fledged political fight is about to unfold.

In an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday, McConnell promised to do all he can to stop Obama’s coal plant regulations, saying a White House “crusade” has devastated his state’s economy.

The Environmental Protection Agency “has created a depression in my state and it’s done a lot of damage to the country all across the country with these efforts to essentially eliminate coal-fired generation,” McConnell said.

“I couldn’t be angrier about it and whatever we can think of to try to stop it we’re going to do. … I know it won’t be easy with Barack Obama in the White House.”

The Obama administration is trying to get fossil-fuel-fired power plants to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 30 percent from 2005 levels by 2030. The White House also recently announced a deal with China to curb the greenhouse gases blamed for climate change.

Asked if the Senate has any obligation to address global warming, McConnell said, “Look, my first obligation is to protect my people, who are hurting as the result of what this administration is doing.”

He said that despite the administration’s “phony deal” with China, “coal is booming elsewhere…

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