
West Virginia voters will not be fooled by Clinton

An editorial from the Parkersburg News and Sentinel

PARKERSBURG, W.Va. — It is not clear whether Hillary Clinton’s campaign effort in southern West Virginia was a sign of bravery or delusion, but it certainly bolstered the impression that her presidency would be an extension of Barack Obama’s that depends heavily on her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

But even Bill could not quite work up the moxie to tell voters in the southern coal fields “I feel your pain,” though he got close. After the good people of Logan, W.Va., told him, formally, that he and his wife were “simply not welcome in our town,” Bill blundered ahead, anyway. He claimed, “I came here to tell you that I care about what you’re going through. I get it.”

In 1992, Americans were fooled into believing Bill Clinton felt our pain because we did not yet know him. The fact he and Hillary believe we do not know any better 24 years later is just plain insulting.

Hillary would like voters to forget she is fully committed to putting “a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business.” Her Environmental Protection Agency would be as aggressive and vicious as Obama’s. And, Hillary would like voters to pay no attention to the man behind the curtain, though Bill showed his hand in the Mountain State when he said, ” … if she wins, I will do every single solitary thing I can personally. I will do everything I can.”

Imagine, Bill Clinton wielding as much influence as he can muster in an Obama, Part II White House. During his campaign stops in West Virginia, Bill did not even try to pretend that would not be the case.

“I don’t think Hillary would come here to make you promises that WE can’t keep,” he said.

How little THEY must think of us, here in West Virginia. Surely, voters will return the favor.

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