
Want to be saved? Drop religious freedom bill

An editorial from The Register-Herald

BECKLEY, W.Va. — Well, this is going to be interesting.

In a legislative body that seems intent on passing the highly contentious and divisive Religious Freedom Restoration Act for West Virginia, a state senator who doubles as an ordained minister said he’s thinking about going to court to keep the Senate from meeting this Sunday.

He says his religious freedoms are being violated.

Yep. That happened.

On Monday, to be precise.

Anticipating a sizable workload as the session winds towards “crossover day” on March 2 — the last day the Senate can act on Senate bills — Senate Majority Leader Mitch Carmichael, R–Jackson, advised senators to plan to meet this Saturday and Sunday. Seems as though our lawmakers are running behind schedule to pass a boatload of “business friendly” laws — like, you know, the $1 cigarette tax.

In response, Sen. John Unger, D–Berkeley, says the legislative calendar has been poorly managed by the majority and is now threatening to mess with his duties as pastor of three churches. “My religious freedoms are being violated…

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