
The Editorial category is a roundup of links to editorials and columns from West Virginia newspapers.

Medicaid expansion won’t be overnight

An editorial from the Exponent-Telegram   CLARKSBURG, W.Va. — About 120,000 people potentially will qualify for an expansion of Medicaid that’s due to occur in West Virginia at the start of the year. But response to auto-enrollment letters sent in September has been only about a 50-50 proposition up to[Read More…]

A new drug-fighting tactic in two W.Va. cities

An editorial from the Charleston Daily Mail: CHARLESTON, W.Va. — In February 2012, U.S. Attorney Booth Goodwin and Charleston Police Chief Brent Webster brought a new approach to fighting drugs on the West Side called Drug Market Intervention. The program targeted hard-core violent criminals on the West Side, while offering[Read More…]

ACA nearly cripples emergency services

An editorial from The Journal: MARTINSBURG, W.Va. — The latest fallout in the debacle that is the Affordable Care Act came to light this week when federal legislation had to be introduced to keep local volunteer fire departments and first responders on the job. Volunteers, firefighters and emergency service personnel[Read More…]

Hope comes in form of new fitness center

An editorial from the Bluefield Daily Telegraph: BLUEFIELD, W.Va. — McDowell County is on the move. Good things are happening, and the future is looking brighter. In recent years, we’ve seen everything from new schools, restaurants and shopping areas to a new federal prison, a new theater in downtown Welch[Read More…]

Lawmakers need better information

An editorial from The Intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register WHEELING, W.Va. — The abuse legislators at both the state and federal levels sometimes take from the executive branch of government surprises us. One would think those who hold the purse strings, as lawmakers do, would be more inclined to demand accountability.[Read More…]

Harrison County scores another funding victory

An editorial from the Exponent-Telegram: CLARKSBURG, W.Va. — On Monday, the Harrison County Schools System received good news from the School Building Authority. Once again, the system earned the state agency’s blessing for a building project, this time a $1 million award for renovations at Simpson Elementary School. Harrison County’s[Read More…]

School bus drivers desperately needed

An editorial from The Inter-Mountain: ELKINS, W.Va. — As the children’s song says, the wheels on the bus go ’round and ’round. Unless there’s no one to drive the bus. The Randolph County school system is nearing a crisis situation: there simply aren’t enough available bus drivers to handle the[Read More…]

WVU student newspaper decries stimulant abuse

An editorial from The Daily Athenaeum: MORGANTOWN, W.Va. –Each one of us can think of at least one person who has taken Adderall to get through studying for that tough final or that 20-page research paper. It might even be you, the reader. The usage of this drug is so prominent,[Read More…]

The loss of a social justice giant

 An editorial from the Exponent-Telegram:  CLARKSBURG, W.Va. — “What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.” — Nelson Mandela Not since the death[Read More…]

Hands-free requirement may not be enough

An editorial from The Register-Herald: BECKLEY, W.Va. — The revolutionary impact of technology on our lives in the past two decades has without question changed them for the better. From improved food safety to miraculous medical treatments to the recent unprecedented advances in communications. But with all such dramatic leaps[Read More…]

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