An editorial from the Exponent-Telegram
CLARKSBURG, W.Va. — About 120,000 people potentially will qualify for an expansion of Medicaid that’s due to occur in West Virginia at the start of the year.
But response to auto-enrollment letters sent in September has been only about a 50-50 proposition up to now.
One expert in healthcare, Executive Director Jim Harris of Health Access Inc., surmises that confusion may be part of what’s holding back potential enrollees.
“I think that many people are weary and confused about what to do,” Harris says.
One thing that will change with the expansion of Medicaid is that co-pays and deductibles now will be involved.
That could be a scary proposition for some people, or one that leaves their heads spinning.
It’s also likely that some of these potential enrollees know that Medicaid patients aren’t a priority, or aren’t even welcome, with some healthcare providers…