An editorial from The Exponent Telegram
CLARKSBURG, W.Va. — One of the top concerns voiced about Marcellus Shale drilling is the huge amount of water needed in the fracking process.
Fracking is the use of a water and chemical mixture, which is fired under high pressure into the rock formation, to release the gas for capture.
So we’re pleased to learn that Antero Resources Corporation and Veolia Water Technologies Inc. will build a $275 million facility that will recycle flowback water for re-use at well sites.
Antero Vice President Al Schopp said the move is necessary for several reasons.
As he told WV MetroNews, the facility will save Antero about $150,000 in water costs per well and could generate about $65 million in revenue.
He also said that the current favored method of disposing of the water, injecting into the ground, will grow contentious in the future.
“We do believe that injection, which is the predominant method of getting rid of this water is going to be one that’s going to be under challenge here in the next 5-10 years. We believe we found an economical solution…