An editorial from the Exponent Telegram
CLARKSBURG, W.Va. — Getting a divorce is a wrenching personal circumstance that can be hurtful not only to the spouses, but especially the children. This is why the family court system and its mediation component are so helpful in smoothing out the rough spots.
For more than a decade now, divorces have been handled in large part by family court judges, freeing up circuit court judges to work on other criminal and civil cases that take up so much of their time.
The mediation process allows parents to come up with ways in which property is divided and children are raised.
“As a mediator, I try to focus on how they can move forward and reach some common ground,” said Samantha Koreski, a court-approved mediator from Bridgeport. “Nobody is going to get exactly what they want. It is a process of compromising…”