An editorial from the Tyler Star News
SISTERSVILLE, W.Va. — Tyler County voters have a tradition of backing Republicans for governor. It will be more important for them to do so in the Nov. 8 election than for many years, by voting for Bill Cole.
It happens that in some ways, voters in much of the rest of West Virginia are beginning to see the wisdom of Tyler County’s habit of voting for solid conservatives.
For more than 80 years, Democrats held control of the state Legislature. During much of that time, our economy, as well as the state budget, relied largely on the coal industry.
But all that began to come crashing down in 2008, when another Democrat, Barack Obama, was elected president. He followed through with his plan to destroy the coal industry and with it, the vast network of coal-fired power plants on which many Americans relied for electricity.
Devastation in the mining industry has exposed flaws in state government’s approach to the economy. West Virginia is not very attractive to job creators for a variety of reasons, including the heavy burden of often needless regulations we place upon them.
It is imperative that we diversify our economy. That will not be possible unless we make West Virginia a more welcoming place for businesses small and large.
Two years ago, many voters revolted. They elected enough Republicans to ensure the GOP controls the Legislature. At that point, Bill Cole’s leadership became apparent.
As president of the state Senate, Cole has led a campaign of reform in the Mountain State. He plans to continue it if elected governor.
Cole has a specific, realistic agenda. It includes reforming the state’s regulatory and legal environment, improving our schools, addressing infrastructure needs and tackling other issues that need attention.
Our region of the state has been hit hard by economic decline. The unemployment rate in both Tyler and Wetzel counties is 7.5 percent – more than 2 points higher than the state average.
In addition to in-state initiatives, Cole can be counted upon to fight against the continued federal assault that Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has planned. Though she will lose the election in our state, she may win at the national level.
Democrat candidate for governor Jim Justice, the Greenbrier County billionaire, is quite a contrast to Cole. He pledges to help the state’s economy, but does not say how. He insists our schools must be improved, but offers few details.
Justice says he can balance the state budget – but he cannot seem to pay his own bills. He owes more than $15 million in delinquent taxes and mine safety fines to state and federal governments.
Justice says he, too, would oppose Clinton. Why would any intelligent voter trust one of Clinton’s fellow Democrats to do battle against her?
The Tyler Star News endorses Bill Cole for governor because he is the clear, safe, best choice for West Virginia. Voting for him on Nov. 8 is more than just what many Tyler Countians can be expected to do – it is the smart way to move our state forward.