
Editorial: Is it time for charter schools in W.Va.?

From The Journal of Martinsburg, W.Va.:

Included in a major public education improvement bill passed by the state Senate are provisions allowing a few charter schools in West Virginia. Opponents of the idea, including the three unions representing many school employees, were furious.

Now, another multifaceted education bill, HB 206, has been passed in the House of Delegates and will be considered by the Senate.* Union leaders and some liberal legislators are angry about that, too.

Allowing charter schools to receive taxpayers’ money that otherwise could go to public schools is not just a bad idea, it is dangerous, opponents insist. Diverting money from public schools would do substantial damage to them, the critics insist.

Well, West Virginians don’t want to be outliers, of course.

But by permitting charter schools, our state would only be joining the mainstream, finally. Forty-three states already authorize charters. Only West Virginia, Kentucky, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Vermont do not have them. …

Read more: https://www.journal-news.net/opinion/editorials/is-it-time-for-charter-schools/article_97f7a764-6cb0-54a1-a816-c6e57d9e4a82.html

  • – Editorial updated to reflect recent vote of W.Va. House of Delegates.

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