Government, Opinion

Editorial: Charter schools fight in W.Va. moves to regulatory arena

From The Herald Dispatch of Huntington:

Officials of the West Virginia Department of Education and at least two county school superintendents met in Parkersburg last week to discuss rules to regulate charter schools in West Virginia.

The Legislature passed House Bill 206 this summer to allow a limited number of charter schools. Now it’s up to the state school board to draft rules and regulations for the establishment and operation of charter schools. As contentious as it was just getting a law passed allowing charters to operate in West Virginia, debate on the rules governing them could be even more controversial.

HB 206 allows public charter schools that are formed by any combination of parents, community members, teachers, school administrators or institutions of higher education. They are public schools and may not be affiliated with any religious sect, nor may they employ religious practices in admissions, curriculum or employment. …

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