An editorial from The Intelligencer / Wheeling News-Register
WHEELING, W.Va. — Like many Americans, most West Virginians have been hoping for change ever since President Barack Obama’s ultra-liberal agenda became apparent. On Tuesday, we may be able to get it.
Electing U.S. Rep. Shelley Capito, R-W.Va., to the U.S. Senate from our state is critical to making that happen.
Obama’s failure to react constructively to challenges ranging from Islamic terrorism to Ebola may be because of his preoccupation with killing the coal industry, driving electricity prices up and taking control of our health insurance away from Americans.
In all that, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has had the president’s back. When Republicans in the House of Representatives passed bills to rein in the Environmental Protection Agency, Reid simply kept them from coming to the Senate floor. When Republicans and concerned Democrats in the Senate suggested reasonable policies, Reid was able to stymie them virtually single-handedly. When Obama exceeded his authority by issuing executive orders, Reid backed him up.
For Reid to be removed as majority leader – and Obama’s single most powerful defender – it is vital that Republicans win a majority in the Senate on Tuesday.
Secretary of State Natalie Tennant, the Democrat candidate for the Senate, claims that is not so. She insists she will oppose Obama’s harmful policies.
Two facts make it clear she cannot be trusted:
Tennant worked hard to get Obama elected in 2008, then to re-elect him in 2012 after he launched his war on coal.
Tennant has refused to say that if elected, she would vote against Reid for majority leader.
For nearly 14 years, West Virginians in our state’s Second Congressional District have been able to rely on Capito.
We can rely on her in the Senate, too – to defend our interests rather than make empty promises. On Tuesday, West Virginians should vote to send Capito to the Senate.
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