
Should Black Friday start on Thanksgiving?

A column by Misty Poe , managing editor of the Times West Virginian in Fairmont:

FAIRMONT, W.Va. — George Takei, once just a character actor on a hokey 1960s television show, has found a new life as a social media guru. A very unlikely one.

With nearly 6 million followers on Facebook alone, his page doesn’t even crack the top 25. The former Mr. Sulu actually doesn’t author a lot of the jokes or statements on his page. But when he speaks, the world of Facebook listens. And they like. And they share.

So when Takei weighed in on the whole shopping on Thanksgiving issue, nearly 400,000 people “liked” it, thousands commented and even more “shared” the status.

“When stores like Walmart move their Black Friday sales to Thanksgiving Day, they truly have forgotten the purpose of the holiday — and cynically ask their employees to leave their loved ones, too,” the actor and director wrote. “Stay with your families on Thursday, friends. Cook and eat together. Watch a football game or a family movie. Call your relatives. Don’t waste your precious day off standing in lines or fighting crowds in malls. — Uncle George.”

Maybe more should have heeded Uncle George’s advice…

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