An editorial from the Parkersburg News and Sentinel
PARKERSBURG, W.Va. — It may be tempting to interpret high early voting numbers as a sign that voter turnout as a whole for the general election will be higher than usual in West Virginia. Not so fast, according to the Secretary of State’s office, which points out early voting numbers were very high two years ago, but once the dust settled after Election Day, voter participation was at a dreary 37 percent.
Part of that, of course, is because those who work up the energy to vote early are often among the most engaged voters. They are outliers. Meanwhile, constant scandal and a growing group of voters who believe neither presidential candidate deserves their votes have led to worries that the less passionate voters will simply stay away from polling places next Tuesday.
That would be a big mistake. Yes, the presidential election is the marquee matchup at the top of the ballot. It is not by a long shot the most important decision local voters will make. Those so worried about the choices for president will note that the next set of choices on their ballots are for members of Congress. Those are the votes that will make a difference in keeping either presidential candidate in check.
West Virginia will have a new governor next year. Other state-level offices will change hands.
And right here at home, we will choose new mayors, city council members, county commissioners and other local office holders — many of whom will have a larger impact on our daily lives than the folks in Washington, D.C.
Wood County voters will decide whether to approve a school bond levy that will affect us all — now, and in future generations.
Do not let a mess of a presidential election scare you away from the polling places Tuesday. Every vote DOES count, at the local level. Do not let a few of the most extreme voters decide the outcome of this Election Day for you.