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Friday, Jan. 11, 2019
3nd Day of the Legislative Session
Rotunda and social activities:
Women’s and Girl’s Day, Upper Senate Rotunda
The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.
SR 7: Designating January 11, 2019 as Women and Girl’s Day Boley
There are no bills on the Senate Calendar for Friday, January 11, 2019.
There are no committee meetings scheduled for Friday, January 11, 2019.
Senate Bills to be Introduced Friday, January 11, 2019
- SB 252: Clarifying duties of Herbert Henderson Office of Minority Affairs (FN) (Jeffries, Lindsay; Government Organization then Finance)
- SB 253: Protecting consumers from automatic purchase renewal and continuous service offers (Jeffries; Judiciary)
- SB 254: Increasing misdemeanor penalty for impersonation of law-enforcement official (Jeffries; Judiciary)
- SB 255: Relating to Emergency Medical Services Advisory Committee (Boso; Government Organization)
- SB 256: Allowing certain deductions from individual personal income tax refunds (Weld; Military then Finance)
- SB 257: Expiring funds from Department of Revenue, Insurance Commissioner Fund and supplementing DHHR, Consolidated Medical Services Fund (Weld; Finance)
- SB 258: Establishing common law “veil piercing” claims not be used to impose personal liability (Trump; Judiciary)
- SB 259: Expanding Coyote Control Program (FN) (Sypolt, Azinger, Beach, Boso, Clements, Hamilton, Maynard, Rucker, Smith, Stollings; Agriculture and Rural Development then Finance)
- SB 260: Eliminating prohibition on permanent partial disability awards based solely on diagnosis of occupational pneumoconiosis (FN) (Stollings, Jeffries, Prezioso, Takubo; Banking and Insurance then Finance)
- SB 261: Relating to number of magistrates serving each county (Trump; Judiciary then Finance)
- SB 262: Establishing certain requirements for dental insurance (FN) (Trump; Banking and Insurance then Finance)
- SB 263: Limiting number of days legislators may be compensated during extended and extraordinary sessions if budget bill not enacted (FN) (Prezioso; Finance)
- SB 264: Requiring courts to order restitution to crime victims (FN) (Trump; Judiciary then Finance)
- SB 265: Establishing Advanced Career Education program (FN) (Carmichael; Education then Finance)
- SB 266: Creating Intermediate Court of Appeals and WV Appellate Review Organization Act of 2019 (FN) (Carmichael, Prezioso; Judiciary then Finance) [By Request of the Executive]
- SB 267: Requiring State Board of Education adopt policy detailing level of computer science instruction (Carmichael, Prezioso; Education) [By Request of the Executive]
- SB 268: Updating meaning of federal taxable income in WV Corporation Net Income Tax Act (FN) (Carmichael, Prezioso; Finance) [By Request of the Executive]
- SB 269: Updating terms used in WV Personal Income Tax Act (Carmichael, Prezioso; Finance) [By Request of the Executive]
- SB 270: Streamlining process for utilities access to DOH rights-of-way (Carmichael, Prezioso; Government Organization) [By Request of the Executive]
- SB 271: Concerning government procurement of commodities and services (IB) (Carmichael, Trump, Woelfel; Government Organization then Judiciary)
- SB 272: Updating code relating to Commission on Special Investigations (IB) (Carmichael, Trump, Woelfel; Judiciary)
- SB 273: Clarifying information request by Commission on Special Investigations be provided promptly (IB) (Carmichael, Trump, Woelfel; Judiciary)
- SB 274: Changing procedure for volunteer fire departments to report on spending state funds (IB) (Sypolt, Boso, Stollings; Government Organization)
- SB 275: Relating to sale of delinquent surface and mineral properties (Sypolt; Energy, Industry and Mining then Judiciary)
- SB 276: Relating to regulation and control of elections (Baldwin; Judiciary)
- SB 277: Relating to certain crimes against government representatives (Baldwin; Judiciary)
- SB 278: Permitting veterans hunt, trap, or fish without license (FN) (Baldwin; Natural Resources then Finance)
- SB 279: Authorizing lifetime hunting, fishing, and trapping licenses for foster or adoptive children (Jeffries, Azinger, Baldwin, Beach, Boso, Facemire, Ihlenfeld, Lindsay, Mann, Palumbo, Plymale, Prezioso, Romano, Smith, Stollings, Woelfel; Natural Resources then Finance)
- SB 280: Eliminating social security taxes for certain taxpayers (FN) (Lindsay, Baldwin, Beach, Facemire, Ihlenfeld, Jeffries, Ojeda, Palumbo, Plymale, Prezioso, Romano, Stollings, Unger, Woelfel; Finance)
- SB 281: Increasing limitation on amount collected by county used for medical care and emergency services (FN) (Sypolt, Beach, Boso, Clements, Hamilton, Smith, Stollings; Finance)
- SB 282: Changing qualifier for low income (FN) (Sypolt, Beach, Boso, Clements, Hamilton, Maynard, Smith, Stollings; Finance)
- SB 283: Making misdemeanor to impede or obstruct law-enforcement officer in investigation (Sypolt, Beach, Boso, Clements, Hamilton, Maynard, Smith; Judiciary)
- SB 284: Requiring photo identification on voter registration cards (FN) (Sypolt, Azinger, Boso, Clements, Maynard, Smith; Judiciary then Finance)
- SCR 6: US Army SP4 Darrell Gregory Triplett Memorial Bridge (Stollings)
- SCR 7: Urging Congress provide exceptions to weight limits on trucks on interstate (Sypolt, Baldwin)
- SCR 8: Walter E. Swiger, Jr., Memorial Bridge (Romano and Facemire)
* (FN) indicates the bill has a Fiscal Note
* (IB) indicates the bill is an Interim Bill
Committee Action on Bills from Thursday, January 10, 2019
3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)
- SB 177: Fire Commission Rule Relating to State Building Code (Bundle 6)
- Bill reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
- SB 190: DOH Rule Relating to Employment Procedures. (Bundle 8)
- Amended bill reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
3 p.m.: Finance (451M)
- SB 24: Relating generally to local boards of health
- Bill reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
- SB 28: Removing hotel occupancy tax limit collects for medical care and emergency services
- Removed from agenda
- SB 36: Allowing adjustment of gross income for calculating personal income liability for certain retirees
- Bill reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
- SB 47: Providing wind power projects be taxed at real property rate
- Removed from agenda
- SB 106: Alleviating double taxation on foreign income at state level
- Bill reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
- SB 10: Relating to Second Chance Driver’s License Program
- Bill reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
- SB 13: Changing distribution of racetrack video lottery net terminal income, excess net terminal income, and excess lottery fund
- Bill is laid over until a future meeting
- SB 27: Removing restrictions on where certain traditional lottery games may be played
- Bill reported to full Senate with recommendation it do pass
- SB 48: Creating five-year sunset on all tax credits created under chapter 11 of code
- Removed from agenda
Committee times and agendas are subject to change. Follow @WVSenClerk on Twitter for updates.
All Senate Committee meetings and floor sessions are available for both live streaming and to watch again in our archives. The link to the Senate’s archived video page can be found here:
Committee times and agendas are subject to change. Follow @WVSenClerk on Twitter for updates.
All Senate Committee meetings and floor sessions are available for both live streaming and to watch again in our archives. The link to the Senate’s archived video page can be found here:
On the agenda:
*** No bills on the calendar yet.***
**Per House Rule 70 , the active daily calendar for House floor sessions is referred to as the “Special Calendar.” The “House Calendar” will contain bills and resolutions that have been reported to the floor but moved off the Special Calendar by the Rules Committee. (The “House Calendar” is often referred to as the “inactive calendar,” while the “Special Calendar” can be referred to as the “active calendar,” for clarity’s sake.) All bills coming out of committee will automatically be placed on the Special Calendar; they can only be moved off that calendar by the Rules Committee. This calendar arrangement used to occur beginning with the 31st day of the session, however House Rule 70 was amended in the House Rules this year to allow the Special Calendar to commence at the start of session.
Committee on Finance
9:00 a.m. – Room 464M
- Budget Hearing for the Attorney General’s Office
9:00 a.m. – Room 464M
- Budget Hearing for the Lottery Commission
Committee on Education
9:00 a.m. – Room 432M
- Overview of the W.Va. Department of Education by Steve Paine, Superintendent of Schools
Committee on Government Organization
9:00 a.m. – Room 215E
- HB 2128, Allowing state employees to take paid leave to attend parent-teacher conference for their children. (2nd reference to Finance)
- HB 2028, Limiting supervision of laying of lines on state rights-of-way.
- HB 2038, Relating to the procedure to determine if an occupation or profession should be regulated.
Committee on the Judiciary
9:45 a.m. – Room 418M
- HB 2164, Clarifying that appeals to the Supreme Court are a matter of right
- HB 2185, Relating to the removal of animals left unattended in motor vehicles
- HB 2144, Relating to debarment of vendors seeking to provide goods and services to the state and its subdivisions
- HB 2183, Clarifying where a charge of DUI may be brought against an individual
- HB 2184, Removing restrictions on where certain traditional lottery games may be played
*** Agendas and times subject to change. ***
From Wednesday, January 9, 2019
- By Del. Fast – Relating to relocation or closure of state higher education institutions – To Education then the Judiciary
- By Del. Rowan and Fast – Permitting county boards of education to accumulate instructional days and use them when needed (FN) – To Education
- By Del. Fast – Repealing provision prohibiting employers from discriminating for use of tobacco products – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
- By Del. Fast – Allowing a home improvement transaction to be performed under an oral contract – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Fast – Requiring the Human Rights Commission, when investigating a complaint of discrimination, to specifically include an examination of the intent of the person – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Fast – Relating to gasoline and fuel excise tax (FN) – To Technology and Infrastructure then Finance
- By Del. Fast – Requiring that patching repair of hard surfaced roads, highways and streets be by use of mechanical rollers – To Technology and Infrastructure then Finance
- By Del. Fast – Limiting supervision of laying of lines on state rights-of-way (FN) – To Government Organization
- By Del. Fast – Relating to Public Defender Services (FN) – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Wilson – Permitting honorably discharged veterans to hunt, trap or fish in this state without first obtaining a license (FN) – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance
- By Del. Wilson and J. Kelly – Permitting persons who have been issued state licenses to carry concealed deadly weapons to carry those weapons on the grounds of the State Capitol Complex – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Wilson and J. Kelly – Permitting the carrying of concealed weapons on the campus of a state institution of higher education – To Education then the Judiciary
- By Del. Wilson – Establishing procedures for carrying out the death sentence (FN) – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Fast – Prohibiting West Virginia institutions of higher learning and state agencies from discriminating against graduates of private, nonpublic or home schools by requiring them to submit to alternative testing – To Education
- By Del. Fast and Rowan – Requiring purchases to be made at lowest retail price available at level of quality sought by the spending unit (FN) – To Government Organization then Finance
- By Del. Cooper, Pack and Rowan – Permitting vehicles displaying disabled veterans’ special registration plates to park in places where persons with mobility impairments may park – To Veterans’ Affairs and Homeland Security then the Judiciary
- By Del. R. Thompson and Rohrbach – Creating an additional class of special education classroom aides – To Education then Finance
- By Del. Howell and Pack – Relating to the procedure to determine if an occupation or profession should be regulated – To Government Organization
- By Del. Caputo and Rowan – Requiring county boards of education to employ a certified library media specialist in each county school (FN) – To Education then Finance
- By Del. R. Thompson and Caputo – Relating to qualifications of paraprofessionals, autism mentors and braille or sign support specialists (FN) – To Education then Finance
- By Del. R. Thompson and Miller – Permitting teachers to retire after 25 years of contributing service regardless of age – To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
- By Del. R. Thompson – Specifying the grade point average required for student participation in interscholastic athletics at the high school level – To Education
- By Del. R. Thompson – Requiring moneys collected from the sale of timber realized through management of the state-owned forests and parks be distributed on a pro rata basis – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance
- By Del. Foster – Relating to pecuniary interest of county and district officers, teachers and school officials in contracts – To Government Organization then the Judiciary
- By Del. Foster – Removing the requirement for contactors to file payroll information on public improvement construction projects – To Industry and Labor then the Judiciary
- By Del. Foster and Summers – Establishing that shared legal and physical custody of a child in cases of divorce is presumed to be in the best interests of the child – To Seniors, Children, and Family Issues
- By Del. Sponaugle – Relating to penalties incurred from obstructing, fleeing from and making false statements to law-enforcement – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Foster – Relating to the definition of an “employee” for purposes of payment of minimum wages, maximum hours, and overtime compensation – To Industry and Labor then the Judiciary
- By Del. Foster – Relating to a prime contractor’s responsibility for wages and benefits – To Industry and Labor then the Judiciary
- By Del. Fleischauer – Prohibiting confidential settlement terms of a contested case involving sexual harassment, sexual abuse, or sexual assault (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Canestraro – Annual retirement annuity adjustment West Virginia State Police Retirement System (FN) – To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
- By Del. Sponaugle – Prohibiting chairmen of state political parties during or up to one year after the termination of their employment as chairmen of those political parties from registering as lobbyists (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Fleischauer and Pyles – Providing that state retirees’ insurance benefits be restored to the benefit levels that existed in 2015 (FN) – To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
- By Del. Sponaugle, Caputo and Longstreth – Giving all honorably discharged veterans ten extra points when successfully completing a civil service examination – To Veterans’ Affairs and Homeland Security then Government Organization
- By Del. Sponaugle and Caputo – Prohibiting drilling units from being established without consent of all owners – To Energy then the Judiciary
- By Del. Fleischauer, Pyles and Canestraro – Repealing the West Virginia Workplace Freedom Act and restoring prior law – To Industry and Labor then the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Fleischauer, Pyles and Canestraro – Reestablishing prevailing wages for certain state government contracts (FN) – To Industry and Labor then the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Fleischauer, Pyles and Rohrbach – Exempting retirement income of members of certain uniformed services from state income tax (FN) – To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
- By Del. Fluharty and Pyles – Expanding the amount of PROMISE scholarship funds awarded to persons majoring in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (FN) – To Education then Finance
- By Del. Sponaugle – Relating to the procedures for driver’s license suspension and revocation in criminal proceedings for driving under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances or drugs (FN) – To Technology and Infrastructure then the Judiciary
- By Del. Fleischauer and Pyles – Relating to the powers and authority of state and local law enforcement to enforce underage drinking laws at private clubs – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Fleischauer and Caputo – The Healthy and Safe Workplace Act – To Industry and Labor then the Judiciary
- By Del. Fluharty – Prohibiting use of a person’s credit history in certain insurance transactions – To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary
- By Del. Sponaugle – Relating to a five percent bid preference on certain state contracts for businesses owned fifty-one percent by honorably discharged resident veterans (FN) – To Veterans’ Affairs and Homeland Security then Government Organization
- By Del. Sponaugle and Caputo – Expiring the PROMISE Scholarship Program, and establishing the Promise for All Scholarship Program (FN) – To Education then Finance
- By Del. Sponaugle, Miller and Caputo – Establishing an alternative methodology for pretrial release of persons charged with crimes (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Hollen, J. Kelly and Fast – Prohibiting counties, municipalities, and cities from passing any sanctuary ordinances, policies, and procedures – To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary
- By Del. J. Kelly – Providing counties the power to establish a county sales tax under certain circumstances – To Political Subdivisions then Finance
- By Del. J. Kelly and Pyles – Requiring all commercial and professional drivers be fingerprinted and undergo a background check (FN) – To Technology and Infrastructure then the Judiciary
- By Del. J. Kelly – Permitting persons who are twenty-one years of age or older to operate or be a passenger on a motorcycle without a helmet (FN) – To Technology and Infrastructure then the Judiciary
- By Del. Sponaugle – Exempting a percentage of social security benefits from personal income tax (FN) – To Seniors, Children, and Family Issues then Finance
- By Del. J. Kelly and Rowan – Relating to tuition and fees at community and technical colleges – To Education then Finance
- By Del. Sypolt – Implementing the recommendations of the studies required by the Natural Gas and Horizontal Well Control Act – To Energy then the Judiciary
- By Del. McGeehan – Life at Conception Act of 2019 – To the Judiciary
- By Del. McGeehan – Exempting certain law-enforcement officers from payment of income and personal property taxes – To Political Subdivisions then Finance
- By Del. Pushkin – Providing a tax credit for obtaining certain certifications by the United States Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design green building rating system (FN) – To Government Organization then Finance
- By Del. Pushkin and Rohrbach – Prohibiting smoking in an enclosed motor vehicle when a child under the age of eight is present – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
- By Del. Pushkin – Adding “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the categories covered by the Human Rights Act – To Industry and Labor then the Judiciary
- By Del. Pushkin – Removing certain limitations on medical cannabis grower, processor and dispensary licenses – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
- By Del. Pushkin – Authorizing possession and smoking of medical cannabis by approved persons – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
- By Del. Pushkin – Allowing medical cannabis to be grown outdoors by licensed growers – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
- By Del. Pushkin – Authorizing the earlier issuance of identification cards to approved medical cannabis consumers and caregivers – To Health and Human Resources then Finance
- By Del. Pushkin and Shott – Providing an identification card for released inmates who do not have a West Virginia identification card or driver’s license – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Pushkin – Permitting certain felons to work in licensed behavioral health facilities – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
- By Del. Pushkin – Requiring urban renewal authorities to submit proposed urban renewal projects to the affected local county boards of health – To Political Subdivisions then Government Organization
- By Del. Storch – Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Storch and Canestraro – Reallocating and dedicating three percent of oil and gas severance tax revenues to the oil and gas producing counties (FN) – To Energy then Finance
- By Del. Anderson – Relating to admissibility of certain evidence in a civil action for damages – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Anderson and J. Kelly – Relating to erroneous tax assessments and overpayments to the county (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Anderson – Relating to advertising by physicians and podiatrists – To Health and Human Resources then the Judiciary
- By Del. Cowles – Increasing the minimum number of magisterial districts in a county – To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary
- By Del. Summers – Providing that any person lawfully entitled to possess a firearm may store a firearm in a motor vehicle on West Virginia State Capitol Complex – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Dean – Relating to seniority rights and school consolidation – To Education
- By Del. McGeehan – Exempting motor vehicles from personal property tax (FN) – To Technology and Infrastructure then Finance
- By Del. Dean – Assessing the college-and career-readiness of 11th and 12th grade students (FN) – To Education
- By Del. Pushkin – Relating to the juvenile justice reform oversight committee – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. McGeehan and J. Kelly – Relating to the hunting of coyotes – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary
- By Del. McGeehan – Home Instruction Tax Relief Act (FN) – To Education then Finance
- By Del. McGeehan – Relating to the transfer of certain revenues derived from lottery activities generally, restoring distribution to the West Virginia Infrastructure Fund to 2013 rates and decreasing the funds available for grants therefrom (FN) – To Finance
- By Del. Hornbuckle – Establishing a pilot program to develop school-based mental and behavioral health services – To Health and Human Resources then Education
- By Del. Hornbuckle – Modifying the tax on soft drinks to only cover sugary drinks (FN) – To Finance
- By Del. Fleischauer – Relating generally to horizontal well control standards – To Energy then the Judiciary
- By Del. Miller – Establishing motor vehicle registration plates for official vehicles of emergency management agencies – To Technology and Infrastructure then Government Organization
- By Del. Caputo – Increasing benefits of retired state personnel and retired teachers (FN) – To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
- By Del. Caputo – Establishing a minimum number of troopers to provide basic law enforcement services, and providing members of the West Virginia State Police a $580 salary increase at the end of two years of service (FN) – To Veterans’ Affairs and Homeland Security then Finance
- By Del. Caputo – Requiring that State Police officers be compensated for time when they are required to be on standby and providing a stipend for housing cost for certain officers (FN) – To Veterans’ Affairs and Homeland Security then Finance
- By Del. Caputo – Providing meetings and conference rights for members of municipal fire departments – To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary
- By Del. Sponaugle – Creating the West Virginia Earned Income Tax Credit (FN) – To Finance
- By Del. Canestraro – Extending the maximum period of confinement a judge may impose for certain, first-time probationary violations – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Canestraro – Reallocating and dedicating the natural gas and oil severance tax revenues annually to the natural gas and oil-producing counties of origin (FN) – To Energy then Finance
- By Del. Caputo – Relating to pension benefits exempt from state income taxation (FN) – To Pensions and Retirement then Finance
- By Del. R. Thompson – Relating to failure to maintain state and public roads – To Technology and Infrastructure then the Judiciary
- By Del. Howell – Intrastate Coal and Use Act – To Energy then the Judiciary
- By Del. Howell – Purchasing certain items from local suppliers (FN) – To Government Organization then the Judiciary
- By Del. Howell – Right to Repair Act – To Technology and Infrastructure then the Judiciary
- By Del. Howell – Relating to monitoring, copying and emailing certain inmate mail – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Pyles – Relating to the approval of the Historic Landmarks Commission – To Political Subdivisions then Government Organization
- By Del. Pyles – Relating to the power of local government authorities to regulate vehicular traffic within their borders – To Technology and Infrastructure then the Judiciary
- By Del. Pyles – Prohibiting the performing of an onychectomy or flexor tendonectomy procedure on a cat – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary
- By Del. Pyles – Providing local government the authority to place video cameras at road intersections – To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary
- By Del. Pyles – Permitting retail liquor licensees to sell alcoholic beverages after one o’clock p.m. on Sundays (FN) – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Rowan – Relating to more equitable disbursement of funds to county boards – To Education then Finance
- By Del. Shott – Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act – To Energy then the Judiciary
- By Del. Cooper – Expanding the authority of motor carrier inspectors – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Caputo – Giving the Insurance Commissioner the power to regulate and penalize self-insured employers – To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary
- By Del. Caputo – Requiring county boards of education to provide released time for professional educators and service personnel when serving in an elected municipal or county office (FN) – To Education then Finance
- By Del. Caputo – Providing for career development and establishing a pay scale for Alcohol Beverage Commission inspectors, enforcement agents and supervisors (FN) – To Government Organization then Finance
- By Del. Caputo – Allowing state employees to take paid leave to attend parent-teacher conference for their children – To Government Organization then Finance
- By Del. Caputo – Prohibiting the use of a credit score in casualty insurance rate filings – To Banking and Insurance then the Judiciary
- By Del. Caputo – Establishing seniority rights for public employees (FN) – To Government Organization then Finance
- By Del. Caputo – Establishing the Legislative Oversight Commission on Energy Workers Safety – To Energy then the Judiciary
- By Del. Caputo – Increasing the amount of annual and incremental salary increases for eligible state employees (FN) – To Government Organization then Finance
- By Del. Caputo – Creating an additional magistrate court deputy clerk position for Marion County (FN) – To Political Subdivisions then the Judiciary
- By Del. Caputo – Requiring retail establishments offering gasoline or other motor fuel to provide refueling assistance and refueling access to persons with a disability – To Technology and Infrastructure then the Judiciary
- By Del. Caputo – Requiring the Superintendent of the State Police to implement a plan to increase the number of troopers (FN) – To Veterans’ Affairs and Homeland Security then Finance
- By Del. Fleischauer – Clarifying that the county or regional solid waste authority that may impose and collect an additional solid waste assessment fee is the county or region where the waste originates (FN) – To Political Subdivisions then Government Organization
- By Del. Fleischauer – Requiring persons who are in the business of purchasing precious metals and precious gems to photograph those purchases and to transmit the photographs to law-enforcement (FN) – To Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development then the Judiciary
- By Del. Fleischauer – Prohibiting blasting within six hundred twenty-five feet of an occupied dwelling – To Energy then the Judiciary
- By Del. Caputo – Allowing quarterly payment of real and personal property taxes (FN) – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Caputo – Providing a ten percent discount to residents at state parks and forests (FN) – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance
- By Del. Caputo – Providing for the use of neck braces by football players (FN) – To Education then Finance
- By Del. Howell – Issuing identification documents to homeless individuals residing at homeless shelters (FN) – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Howell – West Virginia Firearms Freedom Act (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Shott – Relating to debarment of vendors seeking to provide goods and services to the state and its subdivisions (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Westfall [By Request of the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning Board)] – Relating to payment by paper warrant – To Government Organization then Finance
- By Del. Rowe – Creating a loan tuition forgiveness program to encourage students in selected and necessary fields to remain in the state – To Education then Finance
- By Del. Bates – Limiting pay of members of the Legislature when a budget bill has not been passed (FN) – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Summers – Requiring recycling of metal if cost effective (FN) – To Technology and Infrastructure then Finance
- By Del. Lovejoy – Relating to the Farm-To-Food Bank Tax Credit (FN) – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance
- By Del. Cooper – Providing a fee discount for certain nonresident hunting, fishing and trapping licenses for native nonresidents (FN) – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance
- By Del. Cooper – Relating to the beginning and expiration of hunting and fishing licenses (FN) – To Agriculture and Natural Resources then the Judiciary
- By Del. Sponaugle – Permitting teachers under the State Teachers Retirement System to teach college level courses without loss of benefits (FN) – To Pensions and Retirement then Education
- By Del. Rowe – Relating to social determinants of health (FN) – To Health and Human Resources then Finance
- By Del. Rowe – Creating a litigation practice license for social workers – To Government Organization then the Judiciary
- By Del. Bates – Relating to Capitol Complex security access (FN) – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Rowe – Creating a tax credit for improving facades in historic districts (FN) – To Finance
- By Del. Rowe – Relating to the right of municipalities and counties to buy real estate for delinquent taxes – To Political Subdivisions then Finance
- By Del. Rowe – Relating to alternate sentencing for nonviolent felony offenders (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Rowe – Requiring paving contracts for state highways to have special requirements to prevent potholes – To Technology and Infrastructure then Finance
- By Del. Rowe – Economic and Community Development Task Force – To Government Organization then Finance
- By Del. Rowan – Prohibiting sexual offenders from residing within one thousand feet of a school or childcare facility (FN) – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Rohrbach – West Virginia Native American Tribes Unique Recognition, Authentication and Listing Act (FN) – To Government Organization then the Judiciary
- By Del. Pushkin – Relating to consumer protection of new manufactured home warranties – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Shott – Clarifying that appeals to the Supreme Court are a matter of right – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Miller – Relating to custody and disposal of seized controlled substances and drugs – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Howell and J. Kelly – Prohibiting employees of the state who have convictions for driving under the influence from driving or operating state owned vehicle (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Miller and Canestraro – Authorizing the prosecuting attorney to issue a subpoena duces tecum for certain documents – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Hornbuckle and Canestraro – Authorizing a temporary foreign brewers import license – To the Judiciary
- By Del. McGeehan – Allowing a group of affiliated voters to become a recognized political party under certain criteria – To the Judiciary
- By Del. McGeehan – Right to keep and bear arms (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Miley – Increasing frequency of the State Police updating the state sex offender registry (FN) – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Miley – Limiting the number of days members of the Legislature may receive compensation during an extended and extraordinary session – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Canestraro and Miller – Allowing state and federal law-enforcement officers to testify as to the contents and evidence of a wiretap or electronic surveillance – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Canestraro – Relating to the placement of juvenile status offenders – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Jennings, Rowan and Fast – Providing no requirement to perform or host a marriage ceremony that does not conform to sincerely held religious beliefs – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Fluharty – Prohibiting chairmen of state political parties during or up to one year after the termination of their employment as chairmen of those political parties from registering as lobbyists – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Fluharty – Relating to drug testing of legislators – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Fluharty and Canestraro – Legalizing interactive gaming – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Howell – Allowing nonmembers of a political party to request that party’s partisan ballot at a primary election (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Fleischauer, Pyles and Rohrbach – Relating to the Consumer Credit and Protection Act – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Howell and J. Kelly – Prohibiting lobbying by certified candidates for a seat in the West Virginia Legislature – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Howell and J. Kelly – Prohibiting certain persons from operating state-owned vehicles – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Shott – Clarifying where a charge of DUI may be brought against an individual (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Westfall – Removing restrictions on where certain traditional lottery games may be played (FN) – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Westfall – Relating to the removal of animals left unattended in motor vehicles – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Foster – Authorizing a medical power of attorney representative to sign a binding arbitration agreement – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Sponaugle – Requiring that lien releases filed with county clerk’s office include the Deed of Trust Book and page numbers – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Sponaugle – Nullifying certain adoption orders (FN) – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Shott – Relating generally to the disclosure of certain confidential information – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Shott – Modifying bail requirements – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Westfall and Espinosa – Relating generally to limited video lottery (FN) – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Cooper – Requiring pawnbrokers to providing certain information to law-enforcement agencies – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Shott – Providing a specific escheat of US savings bonds – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Pushkin – Creating a domestic violence registry – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Shott and Fast – Creating the West Virginia Sentencing Commission – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Byrd – Creating a felony penalty of life without mercy for the first degree murder of a law-enforcement officer – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Foster – Increasing the salaries of circuit court judges, family court judges, and magistrates (FN) – To the Judiciary then Finance
- By Del. Fast – Relating to pyramid promotional schemes – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Cooper and Miller – Requiring pawnbrokers to providing certain information to law-enforcement agencies – To the Judiciary
- By Del. Rowan, J. Kelly, Pyles and Rohrbach – Prohibiting a person appointed agent under a power of attorney from exerting undue influence over the principal – To the Judiciary