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Scam university steals Charleston school’s history

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — A diploma mill claiming the identity and 125-year history of the University of Charleston is offering life experience degrees for a fraction of the cost it takes to earn one from the private four-year college.

For about $300, one can trade in past schooling and job experience for a Charleston State University associate degree, which can be mailed to any address with 10 verifying documents in as little as eight days. The school also sells bachelor, master and doctorate degrees for $350, $400 and $450, though students can receive a 20 percent discount through a “premium” scholarship.

For those with bare walls in their office, a premium package featuring a blender of all four degrees costs $1,300 — hundreds more for a transcript with good grades.

All this obtainable without ever setting foot on a college campus. Free shipping included.

If Charleston State University sounds too good to be true, that’s because it is…

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