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Point Pleasant’s winged visitors have gone ‘afowl’

Point Pleasant Register photo Canadian geese have at times taken over Krodel Park, leaving droppings in shelter houses and everywhere else. The City of Point Pleasant has decided t... The City of Point Pleasant is purchasing solar-powered devices meant to disrupt the sleeping pattern of geese which will hopefully cause them to move.
Point Pleasant Register photo
Canadian geese have at times taken over Krodel Park, leaving droppings in shelter houses and everywhere else. The City of Point Pleasant has decided to invest in a humane way of getting the birds to move on.

POINT PLEASANT, W.Va. — To some, they are the quintessential unwelcome guests who will not take a hint.

Canadian geese are a staple at Krodel Park but have become a nuisance, at least to those on Point Pleasant City Council.

Council has decided to purchase a product from Away with Geese, a company out of Cincinnati, Ohio, to humanely convince the geese to go elsewhere.

The product, which looks similar to solar yard lights, emits a solar-powered light that flashes every two seconds, all night, year round. The light is said to be “scarcely” noticeable to humans but is very disruptive to the sleep of the geese, causing them to no longer feel secure. Geese apparently have incredibly sensitive eyesight. After a few “anxious” nights, they will find another habitat, according to the company.

This is a humane solution to get the geese to move on, with the company saying the lights have no ill effect on the animals…

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