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Legal battle waged over Hatfield and McCoy name

LOGAN, W.Va. — Members of the local Hatfield and McCoy clans are crossing enemy lines and shaking hands as they have agreed to join their forces in a fight that is much greater than anything they have experienced up to this point: fighting for their birth right.
According to a social media campaign named “Petition for Families to Keep their Hatfield & McCoy Name,” the two families are facing legal opposition from companies based in other states, Missouri is mentioned in particular, that will take away the right of the families to their names and heritage for commercial use.
Among many other things, this means that Hatfield and McCoy Moonshine will be no more if the battle is lost.
In a video created to help draw attention to the issue, Hatfield family Patriarch and star of the show Hatfield and McCoy: White Lightning, Mark Hatfield says he and his family are ready for a fight.
“Maybe your grandmother left you a Hatfield or McCoy recipe,” Hatfield said. “Well, you’ll never be able to use it. They’re trying to tie up all the food, all the clothes… an out of state company, and it just ain’t right.”
The Hatfield family lawyer, Gregory Chiartas, says he is doing everything in his power to help the Hatfield and McCoy clans keep the legal rights to their names.
“My clients are in a battle against a Missouri corporation who filed 42 spate trademark applications bearing the Hatfield & McCoy names,” Chiartas said. “They are trying to stop my clients, who own Hatfield & McCoy Moonshine in Gilbert, from conducting business even though we are being distributed by two of the largest spirit distribution companies in the US: Southern Wine and Spirits and Republic National Distribution Company. We are already distributing and selling our moonshine in W.Va., Va., Pa., Ky. and soon N.C. We have filed opposing trademarks knowing that this is the only way we would have standing to oppose them in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.”
Chiartas says if this does not work, this Missouri-based company will own the names Hatfield and McCoy for all intents and purposes…

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