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Harrison judge critical of pricey cash-only bonds

Exponent Telegram file photo by Matt Harvey Harrison Chief Judge Thomas A. Bedell says cash bonds being set in magistrate court are "offensive" and that the practice "borders on unethical."
Exponent Telegram file photo by Matt Harvey
Harrison Chief Judge Thomas A. Bedell says cash bonds being set in magistrate court are “offensive” and that the practice “borders on unethical.”

CLARKSBURG, W.Va. — Harrison County’s chief circuit judge, a 23-year veteran of the bench, gave a none-too-subtle opinion of cash-only bonds during a hearing Thursday.

After hearing both Harrison Assistant Defender Vanessa Welch and Assistant Prosecutor Rachel Romano agree that a $125,000 cash bond for Patrick L. Brown needed to at least be converted to cash or surety, Chief Judge Thomas A. Bedell gave his take.

“I agree with both counsel. For our magistrates to do that is offensive and borders on unethical, as far as I’m concerned,” Bedell said, adding that no one in the room could afford a cash bail of that amount.

Bedell went on to say that he’s also seen cash bonds in other counties, so it isn’t an issue that’s isolated just to Harrison.

Under the U.S. Constitution, defendants are presumed innocent unless and until they are convicted through a guilty plea or by a jury of their peers. The 8th Amendment to the Constitution also prevents excessive bail, with part of the premise being that defendants who aren’t in jail can better help their attorneys prepare for trial…

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