GRAFTON, W.Va. — Honoring all the Rosie the Riveters for their service during World War II is the passion of Anne Montague, who gave the keynote address at the 108th annual observance of Mother’s Day in Grafton Sunday.
The International Mother’s Day Shrine, where Mother’s Day began, was the site of the service, with the address being given by Pastor Orville Wright, minister of the First Baptist Church of Grafton.
During the first Mother’s Day celebration held at Andrews Church/Mother’s Day Shrine, the favorite flower of Ann Reeves Jarvis, mother of the founder and the first honored mother of Mother’s Day, were presented to those in attendance. On this Sunday, white carnations were used throughout the church to continue the tradition.
Montague is executive director of Thanks! Plain and Simple, a group that works to locate and honor all women still surviving who worked on the home front during World War II.
Montague urged everyone to take the time to get to know a “Rosie…