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Fairmont family works down baseball bucket list

Photo submitted to Times West Virginian Izaiha John (far right) and his father, Ricky (far left), travel to several different baseball stadiums throughout the country. Izaiha is shown here at Nationals Park (left) and Wrigley Field (right).
Photo submitted to Times West Virginian
Izaiha John (far right) and his father, Ricky (far left), travel to several different baseball stadiums throughout the country. Izaiha is shown here at Nationals Park (left) and Wrigley Field (right).

FAIRMONT, W.Va. — As baseball season is winding down, the end of the travel season for one Fairmont family is fast approaching.

Izaiha John, along with his father, little brother and numerous friends, has spent the past two baseball seasons visiting different ballparks.

“The idea has been one we have always thrown around as something we wanted to do,” Izaiha said. “So when we got the opportunity, we did it.”

The group started their adventures over the Fourth of July weekend in 2013 and have since visited 11 venues up and down the East Coast in the year-and-a-half span. Izaiha and his family have visited PNC Park, home of the Pittsburgh Pirates, several times as well as historic ballparks such as Fenway Park (home of the Boston Red Sox), Yankee Stadium (home of the New York Yankees) and Wrigley Field (home of the Chicago Cubs).

Typically when fans visit ballparks, they’ll choose a weekend and make it a point to see the town, take in the culture and then head back to their hometown. Not the Johns.

“We base our trips around where we can go to see the most games in our time frame,” Izaiha explained. “We go to places where the three or four teams in the area are playing at home…

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