Gazette-Mail food columnist April Hamilton gets a little hand from Food Network host Gina Neely during a seafood cooking demonstration as part of a Charleston Town Center mall event Tuesday. It was announced Charleston would take part in a three-year campaign to encourage increased seafood consumption.
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Go fish.
To be specific, go eat fish and all manner of seafood. That was the message of a new national public health campaign that includes the city of Charleston, announced yesterday at Charleston Town Center with celebrity chefs, state officials, blood screenings and a local chef whipping up a dish of shrimp and quinoa that filled the mall’s center court with aromatic smells.
“I really invite all of you to take the Healthy Heart Pledge — which really is to eat seafood twice a week,” said Linda Cornish, executive director of the Seafood Nutrition Partnership.
Charleston is one of nine cities chosen nationally for a three-year public health campaign by the Partnership announced last Week in Washington, D.C., to encourage healthier diets through consumption of more seafood, said Cornish.
More immediately, West Virginia Secretary of State Natalie Tennant and Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin have designated October as Seafood Nutrition Partnership Month. Also, the week of Oct. 17 to 23 features multiple events at Charleston-area restaurants as part of Restaurant Seafood Week…