BLUEFIELD, W.Va. — It’s not every day that a city turns 125 years old, and the folks in Bluefield marked the event with a party and a great big cake.
“I don’t know if I can slice the cake into more than 100 pieces, but I’ll try,” Sue Jackson, chair of the Bluefield Quasquicentennial Committee said. Jackson welcomed the crowd gathered in the Great Hall of the Bluefield Area Arts Center and encouraged them to visit the displays of Bluefield memorabilia in the second floor meeting room.
“We appreciate all the help we had making this happen,” she said. “We’re glad to have you here.” She then presented commemorative Christmas tree ornaments featuring the Arts Center to the oldest and youngest in attendance. Audrey Light, 2, granddaughter of Ellen Light of the Bluefield board of directors was the youngest and Vera van der Sleesen, over 80, was the oldest.
Judy Silbaugh and Edward J. “Eddie” McQuail III each had displays including newspapers, photos, programs and even a baseball signed by Kyle Ripken Jr., during his rookie season in 1978 when he played for the Bluefield Orioles…