Detective Chris Comeaux of the New Orleans Police Department trains local law enforcement officials on the NPLEX tracking system at the Quality Inn Tuesday.
BLUEFIELD, W.Va. — Area law enforcement officers were trained Tuesday in pseudoephedrine tracking as part of the National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx) program.
Senior officials from Appriss co-hosted the event at the Quality Hotel and Conference Center in Bluefield with the West Virginia Retailers Association, the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators (NADDI), the West Virginia Sheriff’s Association and the West Virginia Municipal League.
West Virginia Retailers Association President Bridget Lambert said the NPLEx system has proven to be an effective way to track the purchase of pseudoephedrine and deter its abuse.
“The NPLEx system tracks all sales and purchases of pseudoephedrine statewide and across state lines,” Lambert said. “All of our border states are NPLEx states with the exception of Maryland.”
Lambert said the system maintains a real-time database using a person’s driver’s license to track pseudoephedrine purchases.
“The key reason retailers are involved in this is: We’re the first line of defense in this,” Lambert said. “We see meth criminals first..