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WV Senate President Mitch Carmichael promotes SB 1; touts legislation as path for reversing work force numbers


The Parkersburg News and Sentinel

Senate President Mitch Carmichael, R-Jackson, takes to the Senate floor to defend his last-dollar-in community and technical college bill during the 2019 regular session.
(West Virginia Legislative Photography photo)

CHARLESTON, W.Va.  — West Virginia’s March unemployment rate dropped slightly since February, but the number of residents not in the work force remains the highest in the nation.

Officials hope the new focus on two-year degrees and certificates can help grow a trained work force.

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for March is 5.1 percent, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That’s a .1 percent drop since February and a .3 percent drop since March 2018.

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