By Charles Young, The Exponent Telegram
CHARLESTON — Tuesday’s meeting of the Senate Energy Industry and Mining Committee was dominated by discussion of a bill opposed by the state’s oil and gas industry.
While lawmakers were originally scheduled to discuss a bill supported by the industry, HB 4091, the entirety of the meeting was devoted to debate on SB 554, Relating to termination, expiration or cancellation of oil and natural gas leases.
The bill was ultimately laid over until the committee’s meeting on Thursday after lawmakers heard from Thomas O’Neill, a registered lobbyist representing the interests of the West Virginia Oil and Natural Gas Association.
SB 554, also known as the Lease Cancelation Bill, would require lessees to execute and deliver to the lessor, within a 30 day period and without cost, a recordable release for terminated, expired or canceled oil or natural gas leases, according to the text of the bill. …